XXII: Reflekta

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New week new chapter... also this is an early B-day gift from me to you, so enjoy.


(Y/n Pov)

Today was either the student's favourite, worst or couldn't care less day. I saw how Vincent Adrien and I, the photographer, were taking pictures of Ms. Mendeleiev's class. "Alright, everybody, look at the camera. Hahaha, they're perfect! Say spaghetti!" "Spaghetti!" The class said, and Vincent took the photo.

I was standing with Jules and Rose. Jules was worried about the photo, so Rose and I were trying to get her to be excited about the photo.

Where the three of us were standing. Marinette and Alya were talking about Adrien.

" Amazing, isn't it? OH MY GOSH! What if we're standing in the same row together?" marinate said excitedly. "Oh girl, you're too funny. Just smile, and whatever happens, don't forget to breathe!" Alya responded, and Juleka had a sad look on her face." At least you know you're gonna be in the photo." Jules told the girls, "No, Juleka, I'm telling you, you're not jinxed! This time, it's gonna work out; I can feel it right here!" Rose tried, but Jules was not convinced. I placed my hand on her shoulder. 

"Rose is right. I have evidence that you're not jinxed," I tell her as I take out my phone and show her the first photo we've ever had together. She smiled, but it dropped as Marinette asked her. "What's this about being jinxed?" "Ever since I was little, every time someone takes a photo of me, something always goes very wrong," Jules explained while she looked down.

"That's not gonna happen this time," I tell Jules, and Rose agrees. "You're wrong, Juleka, you'll see!" "For sure! We'll do everything we can to ensure it goes right this time. Don't forget to smile!" Marinette told Jules, and it was time for our photo.

"Thank you, kids, you've been wonderful," Vincent told Ms. Mendeleiev's class, and he then turned to us. "OK, time to flash your pearly whites, guys! You kids take a seat on the front bench." He gestured to Alix, Rose, Max, Mylene and Marinette. "Quickly, please, I've got sixteen other classes to shoot." Vincent rushed the students he called, and they sat down on the bench.

"Everything is going to be alright, don't worry," I told Jules, and she nodded; she was about to say something when Chlo shouted. "Look, Sabrina, they're up front in the baby seats! Go on rugrats, don't forget to take your thumbs out of your mouths!" I rolled my eyes at her behaviour. Then Vincent turned to us. "Well, next row! Hmmm... Please, you, and you go stand on the rear bench." He pointed to Nathaniel, Alya, Sabrina and Chlo.

"Wait just one minute! I'm supposed to be in the middle row next to Adrien. Preferably the center. Look, we're the same size!" Chlo fought with Vincent as she tried to prove she was the same height as Adrien, even though they were shorter than me. "Nah, stand in the back row, behind the rest," Vincent told her, making me smile.

"How dare you put me behind the rest? Do you know who my father is?"

"Is he a photographer?"

Chlo gasped, "NO! He's-" "Bummer, I could really use an assistant. Now hurry up and take your place, or I'll put you upfront with the babies!" Vincent taunted, and Chlo growled.

"The rest of you boys, go stand in the middle row," Vincent told the boys, leaving Jules and me. "It's no big deal, Chloé! If we're all in the same photo. Adrien told Chlo as he walked by her. "Perfect! You guys are awesome! Now stop squirming, and let's get this photo shot!" Vincent told the class, completely forgetting about Jules and me.

(Note: We ignore the fact that Adrien is taller than Juleka. So, Adrien is shorter than Y/n and Juleka, But Y/n is shorter than Juleka. Making Y/n and Juleka the tallest girls in their class.)

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