XXIII: The Puppeteer

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Thank you for your patience. Now let's start this weeks chapter 

The puppeteer

"We'll be there in an hour Or so. I'll keep you posted." I told Lucy in a voice message, and he responded. "Alright, see you there. Stay safe." I smiled as I turned to Adrien. 

"So, what's the plan?" Adrien asked me as we had just walked down the stairs to the subway. "Take the subway, meet Lu and his twin, watch the movie, and get back before Dad or an Akuma interrupts us," I told him as we both stood waiting for the train. 

"So what's Lucy like? You've never told me what he looks like or anything he likes." I thought about it and realized I had yet to tell Adrien a description of Luka. "Well, Lu, He's like a melody that softly whispers through the chaos that one may come across; he has this tranquil presence that brings a sense of calm. With his blue hair and captivating ocean-blue eyes, he's a portrait of strength and charm." I smiled as I described him and showed Adrien pictures I had taken with Lu at the concert. As Adrien looked through the photos, I continued.

 "He loves playing his guitar, and when he plays, it's like he's weaving spells with each chord, casting a spell that draws you closer, wrapping you in the sound of his music. There is a gentle kindness in his soul, and the way he listens with unwavering attention makes it seem like your words are the most precious melody he's ever heard. He's the kind who sees the beauty in imperfection, embraces flaws with open arms and loves unconditionally."

I took my phone back from Adrien as the subway had arrived. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're in love with him," Adrien told me teasingly as we entered the train. 

"Ha ha, very funny. Besides, he's just a friend, my best friend. And I can't lose him." 

"Sure, that's why the kwamis are arguing." I rolled my eyes. 

"Those two will argue over everything. Besides, you're one to talk; you don't even know who the girl you claim to be in love with is. You can't even figure out who she truly is; I did on the first day." Adrien opened his mouth to say something when he signalled to the next cart, where we could see Alya and Marinette. 

We both waved with an awkward smile as if I were feeling an Akuma.

(3rd Pov)

Moments before the siblings smiled and waved, Marinette was trying to figure out why Adrien and Y/n were together and where they were going.

"I wonder what station he's getting off at. Oh—maybe he's going to the same movie! Oh! How cool that'd be!? But wait! But then, does that mean he's going on a date with Y/n. No, it can't be right; they are just friends, right? But if he sees us, he might think we're following him! Like stalkers! Me, a stalker? HAH! Although, I would follow him. I mean, of course, I wouldn't really stalk him! Oh...who am I kidding?!" Marinette mumbles to herself

. "Haha! Who are you talking to?" Alya asked her friend, and then Alya noticed that the pair on the other train started to wave.

"They're waving!" Alya said as she waved back. "Oh no! Now, what are we gonna do?" Marinette said as she hid behind Alya. "Wave back!"Alya told the girl as she pulled her and made her wave.


Y/n had a lousy feeling back to the siblings, and as she smiled, she spoke to Adrien. "We might need to cancel our plans; I really wanted to watch that movie," Y/n whined, and Adrien nodded in understanding. She took her phone to call Luka, but as the phone started to ring, she saw that ALya had become Lady Wifi.

"Hey, shorty, How's it going? You almost here?" Luka answered, "Hey, there is an Akumatized villain on the Subway, and we need to make it to safety. I don't think we can make it in time." I told him sadly, "I understand, don't worry, I'm sure we can watch it again. Get to safety." 

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