XXV: Kung Food

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Sorry for the late update, but I decided to take some summer school classes, to be a better student. T^T 

So I've been trying to make time to write but haven't had time or motivation, but now I precent to you....

Kung food

Ps. Long chapter

(Y/n Pov)

"Y/n, care to explain why I got a call from the Mayor that you've entered a game show. "World's Greatest Chef," as he put it." My father informed me as I stood in front of him. "It was a joke; all my friends were doing it." 

"So if all your friends jumped off the Eiffel Tower, so would you?" My father asked me, clearly mad at my decision. "Obviously not; you know I don't even go near the structure, which is too tall for me. You know I'm uncomfortable with heights; besides, how was I supposed to know I'd get picked." I argued back and crossed my arms. 

I started to think about a week ago when I saw the news.

~(Flash back)~

"Listen here, we are going to have a brand new contest. "World's Greatest Chef" So we are inviting the best culinary masters from around the globe who have been blowing our minds with their gastronomic creations. But we need you to sign up online to be one of our local judges, so if you want to try foods from all over the world, check it out." Alec's commercial as the band took a break from practice. 

I wasn't watching it but heard the TV host's voice. I passed out the drinks, and Lucy signaled to the TV as I handed Lucy his. "Are you going to sign up?" He asked me before taking a sip. 

"Are you kidding? My dad would kill me. Besides, what would I get out of it." I then took a sip of my drink as I sat beside him. "You totally should, Y/n," Rose told me, and I shook my head. "Nah," I answered, and then it was Ivans's turn to say something. 

"You would have food from all over the world." I hummed in response, knowing that was a plus. "You get free food at Le Grand Paris for a year," Jules Mumbled, and it caught my attention. 

"I'm sorry, what?" I answered as Jules handed me her phone, and Lucy placed his head on my shoulder to see. As I read the rules, they stated that there should be free food.

"Okay, I'll do it." I agreed, and they all smiled. "But only if you all try as well. It says it is for the winner and up to five friends. So if we all try, we all get a chance." They all nodded, but Anarkas's voice caught our attention.

"Well, lassie ye have my vote to win," Anarka said, crossing her arms. I gave her a look, and she continued. "Also, I wanted to ask what are your plans for Christmas?"

~(End Of Flash back)~

"Because I got selected after the show, I will get free food at le Grand Paris." I tried, and he seemed to have an idea, "You may participate, but you're going to be wearing my new fall collection. And your bodyguard will stay with you at all times." I smiled and hugged him. That would be the start of my first TV appearance, and it would go by in a flash.


"Are you excited about this week's challenge?" Natalie asked me as she helped me with my makeup as I put on the outfit my father had made for the week's competition.

"Are you excited about this week's challenge?" Natalie asked me as she helped me with my makeup as I put on the outfit my father had made for the week's competition

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