Christmas Special: Santa Claws

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Hey everyone, Sorry for the late Update. 

I over estimated  how much time I had to write, and I was unable to finish this chapter. So, before my classes start :(, I'll try to write as much as I can, and will try to keep the updates Wednesdays, or Fridays. and they will be once a week. 

I'll try my best, also Happy two year anniversary, I didn't think anyone would actually read my story. So thank you all for the votes, reads and comments they always make my day.  So thank you all, and hopefully I'll be able to write more this year. :)

Also happy holidays and Happy new year to all. 

This may be deleted after the chapter is published. Or Not. 

I finished it :)

Santa Claws

(3rd POV)

"♫ Merry Christmas to all! ♫" Tom and Sabine sang as Marinette Alya and Manon. "♫ Mom and Dad, I'll help you in the bakery. To hand the Christmas logs to all my friends, you see. ♫" Marinette began to sing as she grabbed a log and tried to pass it to Alya but failed as she dropped it.

Thankfully, Alya caught it, "♫ Merry Christmas, Alya and your family! ♫" Marinette sang to Alya as the two stood up. "♫ Thanks, my BFF, the same to you three! ♫" Alya sang back before leaving. 

"♫ Alix and her dad, Merry Christmas to you! ♫" Marinette sang to the two as they entered the bakery, and she handed them a Log. "♫ Tom, Sabine, Marinette, Happy Holidays too. ♫" Mr. Kubdel sang back. 

Juleka and Rose were the next to arrive. Marinette passed one log to Juleka and Rose. "♫ Rose and Juleka, gifts for you, you bet! ♫" Marinette sang as she handed the girls a log. "♫ Merry Christmas to you! ♫" Rosa sang back, "♫ Merry Christmas, Marinette. ♫" Juleka continued. Both the girls left, and as they did, Nadia arrived to pick up Manon and her Log. "Manon, ♫ Merry Christmas, and Nadja! ♫" 

As they left and Nino arrived. "♫ Merry Christmas, Nino," The girl sang while handing him the log.

Then Sabrina arrived. "and Sabrina! ♫ ♫ Merry Christmas, Chl-" Marinette stopped singing as Chloé and her father walked into the bakery. "Do you want a photo?" Chloé asked Marinette as the girl stayed in place. "Marinette, it's Christmas!" Sabine reminded her daughter. "♫ Merry Christmas, Chloé. ♫" Marinette sang quietly, and she handed the log to Chloé. "Could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you." Chloé replied, and Marinette sang louder. 


"Chloé, it's Christmas." Andre reminded his daughter. 

"♫ MERRY CHRISTMAS MARINETTE! ♫" Chloé sang loudly back and then whispered. "But I hate your guts, don't you forget!"

"♫ Merry Christmas to all! ♫" Everyone but Chloé sang. The father and daughter left. Tom and Sabine kissed Marinette before the facing designer daughter entered the bakery. "♫ Merry Christmas, Y/n. ♫" Marinette sang as she recognized her friend. 

"Yeah, Merry Christmas or whatever." The girl answered and mumbled the last part. "Can I order a dozen macarons, two croissants and six Éclairs, two chocolate, two strawberries, one vanilla and the other one (F/f)?" Sabine nodded and began to get everything for the girl. "So, Y/n got any plans for today?"

"Not really, it's the first Chrismas without... my mom, so it's going to be something different," Y/n tells her honestly, and the two turn their heads when the door chimes, and the Gorilla walks in; he places some coins, in the bin. 

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