XVI: Dark Blade

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*Note I have no idea who the person in the picture is, just know it's not my picture. I'd like to give credit so if you know please comment.

**It has come to my attention that some authors, use (H/c) for hair color and Hijabi, color so if this applies to you, then (h/c) will be for your hijabi color. Hope it makes sense


(Y/n Pov)

Yin had teleported Adrien and me to school, so we made it to class in time. As Miss Bustier began her lesson, I wasn't paying attention as I watched the news on today's safe.

"Ladybug, Lumier and Cat Noir have saved Paris yet again," Nadia reported. I had my left hand on my cheek, hiding my headphones. I looked up occasionally, but I felt that no matter what we did, Halkmoth would be one step ahead of me. 

"Yesterday, Mr. Bourgeois was re-elected as mayor of Paris for the fourth consecutive term. Here, we see Mr. Bourgeois with his daughter." Nadia continued; I looked down at my phone and saw how Chlo acted as if she was the president. 'Not much has changed,' I say to myself when Nadia says something that caught my attention. 

"Armand D'Argencourt, one of Bourgeois's opponents and fencing instructors of Françoise Dupont High School, was pummeled in the polls. In fact, D'Argencourt acquired the least number of votes in Paris History." I had to stop myself from laughing cause now I had something to bother Mr. D'Argencourt about. Miss. Bustiergave gave me a look as I tried to catch my breath. 

"Chloé is running for the class representative position, and Sabrina will be her deputy. Do we have any other candidates?" Miss explained, "You would be a good representative." Ivan whispered to me. 

"You think so? I don't have time for that." He gave me a questioning look. 

"I have Kitty section and all the other extracurriculars my parents signed me up for," I whisper back. "Besides, what would you all do without my expertise. I like being Kitty's section manager; nothing will change that. I don't need anything else."

I look forward to Marinette entering the classroom. "Hi! I'm sorry! I-uh, I-uh, the bus." Marinette excused herself and then coffee. "Dry throat!" She lies and takes her seat. "Chloé's running again! She's been class rep since when? Kindergarten?" I can hear Alya ask Marinette. 

"Oh! Why don't you run as a candidate? You'd make an awesome representative!" Marinette answers. "No can do. My blog is a full-time job!" I focus once more on Miss as she gives us final words before Lunch, my favourite time of the day. "Alright, I'll give all of you till the end of lunch to decide if you like to be a candidate." 'As if there were any options.'


During Lunch, I decided to go up to the roof, the only place I could escape everything. As Yin and Yang ate happily, I enjoyed the Lunch the private chef had made, a (sandwich type) (for me, a BLT). But the peace and quiet ended as I got a call from Chlo. 

"Hey, Chlo, what's up?" I answered, a bit mad my Lunch was interrupted. "Hey, girly, what do you think about the election?

"Not much; I've been busy with everything my father wants Adrien and me to participate in, but congrats to your father," I tell her, knowing where she was headed. 

"Well, obviously, but anyway, have you thought about running? Cause if you did, I would be on your side, tho you may lose."

'Called it.' "Not really; politics aren't my thing." 'Magical jewels are.' "Besides, I know how much you want to win." "You're the best anyway. I'll see you in class. I need to go and watch the competition, but I am glad I won't have to go against you. See you later, N/n." With that, she hung up.

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