XXI: The Gamer

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New week new chapter... This is a shorter one

Question: What's your favorite desert? 

The Gamer 

(Yang Pov)

I watched as Adrien attempted to defeat Max in Ultimate Mecha Strike III from above with Yin and Plagg, who also enjoyed the view.

"Come on, Max," Kim yelled, cheering on his friend. "Kick his but Adrien." My holder shouted in response, slightly glaring at the taller boy. Alya was beside Y/n as she recorded. "What's going on, Alya, Y/n?" Marinette whispered as she entered the library.

"Tryouts for the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament! This school sends the two students with the highest scores!" Rose explained. And Kim continued. "The tryouts offer a partner to team up with Max in the Tournament."

"Why, Max?" Marinette questioned again, "Does she live under a rock or something?" Plagg asked us; Yin shook her head. "Probably," I answered as we looked back at the scene. "'Cause he's unbeatable! He's a total Rockford! He's got the highest APM over anyone!" Kim continued, 

"Yeah, right, you haven't seen Adrien play." Y/n told Kim, and the boy glared at her. "APM?" "Atrions for minute." Y/n answered, and Kim continued. "This tournament is Max's whole life! He's been grinding all year to level up." With that, Adrien's robot won the game.

"Yes!" Y/n shouted with a smile as she jumped up. "Adrien is now in the lead." The Y/n teacher told the students that they had watched the game. "What happened, Max?" Kim asked his friend. "Hmm. Awesome job. We're gonna make a killer combo." Max told Adrien, and the two high-fived.

"So let me get this straight. If someone can beat Max's score, will they team up with Adrien at the tournament?" Marinette aske her friends. "No one can beat Max." "Ahem." Y/n interrupted. "Right, or rather, Max and Adrien. It's a slam dunk. They're our school's dream team!" As he finished, he held his fist out for Y/n, and they fist-bumped. 

Alya took Marinette away, and the principal told everyone it was time to go. "Well, we have our two champions lined up for the Paris tournament." When, "Wait! Uh, Is it too late... to try out?" Marinette asked, causing] Kim, Y/n, and Rose to gasp.

"Well, the library is closing in five minutes, but..."

"Oh, boy..."

Marinette sat down by the TV, and Adrien handed her his controller. Then she rubbed it on her face, but I don't know why.

"Is she serious? There's no way!" Kim spoke, getting my attention back to him. "As if Adrein's been training forever. She can't beat him." Y/n agreed, and the two crossed their arms, returning their attention to the competition. "Unless the particular player has a particular motivation," Alya told her friends, and it looked like Y/n understood what she meant.

"The rules are elementary; you battle each other's robots on your own," Max explained when Marinette rudely interrupted. "Please... Every time you win, you loot its items and gain XP, which upgrades your mech. I'm not a noob, thank you very much."

"Ah, sounds like you have a sufficient amount of knowledge. Let's see if it's enough to beat me." Max told Marinette, and they shook hands before starting the game.

"Yeah, this will be fun." Kim states, "Seriously? How could anyone spend so much time in front of a screen?" Chloé asked, and Sabrina agreed. "I know, as if." And the two turn back to their devices.

"Come on, Max, you can do it!" Kim cheered, "We believe in you, Max." Y/n continued. But as the game began, everyone started to see how Max would not win this round.

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