XI. Horrificator

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First I wanna saw thank you for being patience with the delay, I'll try to get a new chapter every two-three weeks, depending how much time i have to write. And I haven't been online for a bit, and wow, last I checked this book had 2.8k now its 3.3k. Now to the new chapter....


(3rd POV)

"Agent Smith, it's too dangerous! We must evacuate!" 'Offices Jones' tried to convince, 'Agent Smith' to flee. "You're suggesting we run, Officer Jones? After it devoured my family, my friends, even my beloved dog, Sniffles? Never! I won't run! I no longer fear it, I'm going to face it, then I'll-" 'Agent Smith' spoke, and the music changed as the Monster appeared. 

"Waaaaah!" Mylène Yelled getting out of character, stoping evryone. Her scream could be heard all over the school. "Cut!" Nino called as Mylène hid under the table. Ivan, noticing his damsel in distress, quickly took his mask off, "Sorry, Mylène." The boy apologized.

"Mylène! That's, like, the tenth take, and we're only on the first scene!" Nino argued, mad at the fact that Mylène kept getting scared. "Fourteenth, actually. But who's counting?" Alix spoke from her seat but got an elbow to the ribs from Y/n beside her. "Alix." The (E/c) girl scolded. "Ughhh..." Nino groined, "I'm... sorry. I'm gonna do better on the next take, I promise." Mylène apologized, looking up from the desk. 

"Anyone want some tea?" Rose spoke up, trying to get the attention off Mylène. "I would love some, Rose," Y/n spoke, putting her Violin back in the case. "You're playing a hero from the special forces. You're not supposed to get all freaked out!" Nino lectured, angering the (e/c) girl, and she began to move to the front. 

"I know, but... that monster mask he's wearing is so... realistic and scary! And the music gives me the creeps." Mylène explained, and Y/n moved forward. "I can play a less creepy song," Y/n spoke, and Ivan continued. "Yeah, it's just big ol' me, Mylène. Nothing to be scared of!" The boy began to play with the mask, showing how it wasn't as scary.

"You ask me; he doesn't even need a mask!" Chloè joked, making Sabrina and herself laugh. "What a bratty snob!" Marinette mumbled to Alya while Nino got his actors and music back in order. "Ivan put the mask back on. You're playing the Monster! Y/n, can you play the music louder? I can't hear you over the actors! And Mylène, we need you to stay in character!" Y/n nodded and made her way to talk to her brother, and Ivan put his mask on, which scared Mylène once again.

"I need to sing my happy song. It always makes me feel better..." Mylène then started to sing and walked backward. "Smelly wolf, smelly wolf, stinky breath and slimy-" the girl jumped as she bumped into Adrien and screamed. "Ahh!" Y/n tried calming the girl down by holding her hands and whispering, "It's ok, Mylène, just breathe." "And the Oscar for best pathetic scaredy-cat afraid of its own Shadow goes to... Mylène!" Chloè laughed at her statement, which earned a glare from the Agreste siblings. 

"Chloé, seriously?" Adrien asked, not believing what his friend had said. "Yeah, so what?" Chloè spoke, not understanding why her friends were giving her looks. Due to Chloè's statements, Mylène ran away crying. Marinette runs after her but can't catch up. "Mylène! Anyone gonna go after her?" The girl asked as most of the class just stared. "Mylène, wait!" Ivan shouted before taking her Monster to mask off and running after his girl.

Most of the class was mad at Chloè. Y/n was about to say something to Chloè, but she felt her day was about to take a turn as she scented Halkmoth's transformation. "Epic, Chloé! Just epic! What are we supposed to do now without our leading actress?" Nino asked Chloè, mad that his production would take longer than he wanted. "Who needs her, anyway? She was totally lame!" Chloè argued back, "You're lame! Mylène is crying her eyes out in the bathroom, thanks to you!" Ivan yelled at Chloé as he came back into the room. "Me, lame?"

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