chapter 2

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Two months later...

"Hi Lindsey, I know you probably won't like me calling or having your private number but you won't take my calls at the studio. It's been two month now and you still haven't gotten back to me. I Know I surprise you when I called you that day and also I realized I give you a lot to think about but Please hear me out and call me or something Lindsey. All I ask is you let me explain please. I hope to hear from you soon Bye."she said with a long sighed as she hung up.

I sighed heavily as I took a long sip of whiskey and deleted the voicemail.

"You okay mate."he asked as he takes a set next me.

"Yeah."I said with a weak smile.

"You know she not going to stop untill you meet with her."he said after a long few minutes.

"John, don't start."I said with a warning look. He sighed with a nod.

"Since she stopped calling me at the studio she now calling and texting me on my cellphone. I Know who got it for her too. Dragon lady."I said annoyed as I finish up my whiskey and pushed my glass away. He chuckled.

"Well you know she has her ways of getting information out of people."he said with a chuckle.

"True, she'll do just about anything to please the boss lady."I said with a scowl as he nodded in agreement with a laugh.

"You know she's been talking with Mick and trying to get on Christine good side."He said as I raised my eyes over at him.

"That scumbag Mick I bet he trying to get on her good graces because he out of money or something. He is a such an aßs kisser when it comes to her. He always has been, she loved it too and not to mention the attention she got. But when it comes to Christine I do know I can trust her a lot more than Mick."I said with sarcasm.

"Yeah that's true Mick is an aßs kisser and only cares about who can make him money and make him look good. Mick and her relationship has always been that way. As for Christine she is trustworthy when comes to you and that little girl."he said with a smile.

"Yeah, she adore Annabelle. Christine has been good through out this whole thing and you too. But most of all she like a mother to Annabelle and I know it put a strain on Christine's friendship with Stevie but I am graceful for her help over the years and you are like a second father to her so I'm thankful for both of you. Because I don't think I could've done it without you guys."I said with honestly.

"No need to thank us mate. We love that girl like she's are own daughter. And as for their friendship yes they are not as close as they where but Christine didn't blame you for that so don't let get to you."he smiles as he Pat's me on the back. I felt relieved because after that Christine and her didn't talk to much or see each other again for awhile. So I blamed myself for coming in between them.

After she left us all these years ago Christine has been a good friend along with John. They both help me through this when I didn't even know what to do. I felt lost,hurt, anger but most of all I was heartbroken. They both stepped up to help me rise Annabelle. Because I was so lost and felt alone that I didn't know how to take care of a newborn baby all by myself. For the most part it was just Annabelle and me. I didn't let anyone in. So I decide to move away from everyone that I knew and most of all I was tired of people feeling sorry for me so I just up and left without telling anyone but Christine and John where the only one that reached out to me and find me at my worse.

Christine made me realize how much I got to live for. And plus she said if I don't get my shït together she was going to Kick my aßs. So I got myself together.

"What's so funny you two."I smile as I turn around to see Christine and Annabelle coming into the room giggling.

"Hey dad."Annabelle smile with a giggle as Christine wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"Oh just girl talk love, right Belle."Christine grins with a wink as she nudged Annabelle with her hip and she laughed with a nod.

"Oh I see."I fake pout with a huff as they all burst out laughing and Annabelle comes over to me and kissed my cheek with a giggle. My heart melts. As I looked on I could see a vision of her in Annabelle right from her eyes and the shape of her face along with the way she smiles just like her. But she has my crazy curly hair along with my nose. Also Annabelle sure does have both of our stubbornness and she has her mother's attitude but I often see and realize just how much she is very much like her mother and sometimes I could swear it was her mother that was in front of me,I would have to stop myself from saying her name. But she is like a perfect vision of both of us.

"Lindsey,are you okay."Christine asked.

"Uh what."I said as I clear my throat.

"I asked if you were okay because you seem lost in your own world there for a minute."she said.

"Oh sorry I guess my head has been either where lately."I abimted as I rubbed the back of my head and she nods.

"She still calling you uh."She asked as I glance over at Annabelle and John talking. I wanted to make sure she was out of ear sight.

"Yeah,at least she stopped calling me at the studio but now she blowing up my cellphone. It's been seventeen years and now she wants to be part of Annabelle life."I hashly said.

"She called me too."She said.

"John mentioned that. I guess she even talking with Mick as well but I don't see why because Mick and me don't talk anymore after I called out his bullshït. But I do understand why she calling you though."I said as she chuckled and nod her head.

"I hear ya Mick is something else those days. And as for Stevie, goes who knows what her reasons are now. We don't talk that often and I haven't seen much of her either but I told her the same thing I told you awhile back I am not taking sides. The only side on is that sweet Belle over there."she firmly said as she pointed over at Annabelle.

"Your a good friend Christine."I smile softly as I kissed her cheek.

"Yeah yeah."she smirks as I shake my head with a grin.

After a few hours John and Christine left and Annabelle turned in for the night. As for me I was about to head up to bed when my cellphone started ringing so I looked at who was calling so late when I sighed deeply as I saw who it was.

"Why can't you get the hint and stop calling me."I hashly said into the phone as I heard her take a deep breath.

"Lindsey,you know how stubborn I can be and if you just hear me out I'll would stop calling you."she said with a bit of sorrow in her voice.

"First off,how did you get my number."I asked.

"I'm sorry,but you left me no choice so I had Karen get it and let me tell you it wasn't easy either."She said with a soft voice.

"Dragon lady."I crused under my breath.

"Still calling her that I see."she chuckle.

"Well now you can lose it and stop calling me."I coldly said as hang up.

First thing in the morning I am changing my number.

Next chapter will be Stevie POV...
Thanks you all for reading ❤️

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