chapter 27

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"Did you do this all by yourself."She asked as we sit down to dinner.

"Yes,but I did have help with the dinner."I chuckled as she grins warmly.

"You did a lovely job."She smiles warmly as we continue to eat our meal.

All through dinner I was nervous and I couldn't stop staring at her. How beautiful she is still after all these years she is just as beautiful the day we met but more beautiful in my eyes. She takes my breath away still.

"Linds."She said as she draws me away from my thoughts. I clear my throat.

"W...what."I smile as she shakes her head with a a sweet smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

"You been staring at me the whole time through out dinner and I've been trying to get your attention."She said as I reached for her hand and gently rub my thump over her palm.

"Sorry,but in my defense you are very beautiful tonight and I got lost."I grin as she blushes.

"If your done with dinner while don't we go inside."I said as I stood up and offered my hand for her to take and she takes it with a soft smile. I leads into the living room area as we both took a set.

"So,I wanted to get this out before I lose my nerve."She spoke up before I could talk.

"Okay."I said as she sighed softly.

"You know how I been looking for a place for awhile now. And well I found a great home. So I am thinking of putting a down payment on it."She smiles as I swallow hard.

"W....what."I horsey said.

"I might have found a place and I wanted to tell you."she weakly said.

"Really."I asked as she fidget with her fingers.

"Yeah, I thought it was time to move on. I mean it's nothing fancy or big like I am use too but it will work until I figured out what I want to do. And Jess likes the place."She said with a shrug.

"Steph."was all I could say as she frowns.

"What is it Linds."she said as she reached over and took a hold of my hands and I start to calm myself.

"I....I love you."I blurt out as her eyes widened.

"You love me."She gives a weak smile as I swallowed down my nerves.

"Yes,that's why I wanted to have dinner with you and some privately to talk. I realized something when I was talking with christine."I said as she nods for me to continue on.

"We been getting closer over the last few months now. And it brought back feelings. Feeling I thought I would never feel again but I do feel them. Your my Steph again."I smile warmly as I grip her hands in mine and placed a sweet gentle kiss on her lips as she wraps away the tears.

"Steph,I see the girl I fell hard for again. I see her in your eyes and in mine as well. The sparkle in your eyes is there again. You came back from the dark to light. Like I told you before you fright your demons and win the war. I see how much stronger you been getting now. You have come a long way and it an amazing me."I smile with honestly.

"Oh Linds,do you really think we can make this work now."She croaked out as I cupped her face in my hands.

"Yes,our love is so much stronger than it has ever been along with our strong connection and we both are more wiser now. We have learned from our mistakes not to take each other for granted. I believe in us. I love you so much Steph that's it hurts. I need you in my life so does Annabelle along with Jess."I sincerely said as I kissed away her tears. She sighed softly.

"Can you accept Jess because he thinks the world of you."She softly said as I grin.

"A course I accept him. He is great kid. Annabelle loves her little brother. He is a part of you Steph I will love him as if he's my own son."I honestly with a sincerely smile as I sence her heart melting at my words.

"I love you so very much Linds that my heart feels so whole right now. I feel so very graceful."She smiles lovely as I pulled her into my arms.

"I love you too more then you will ever know."I smile warmly.

"Make love to me Linds. It's been so long since I felt so safe."She raspy whispered as we both stare deeply into each other eyes. I grin as I take a hold of her shaking hand and leads us upstairs into my bedroom.

I slowly start to remove her dress and she steps out of it and pushes it to the side of her. I stare at her with wicked eyes as she stands in front of me with matching pair of red laces bra and panties set. I licked my lips as she blushes deeply.

"You look so sexy."I husky said as I unclip her bra and slide down her panties as she shivers at my touch.

"Your turn."She smirked as she undress me. My skin felt hot as she placed warm kisses on chest.

"Lay down I want to worship your beautiful body."I mischievous smirked as she laid down on the bed and I crawled up her body as I leave a tail of kisses along her whole body not leaving a spot untouched. Her skin is so soft and sweet until I capture her lips into a passion kissed that had our tongue fighting for control. She moaned into my mouth as my hand made it's away to her breast. I cupped her breast as I gave a gentle squeezed and rub my finger over her harden nipple. I moved away from her lips and captured her nipple into my mouth as I suck and bite as she quiver.

"Oh Linds."she whimpered as I moved over to the other breast and tease her nipple.

"Oh how I missed your sweet moans and your gorgeous body."I groaned as she runs her nails down my backside.

"I missed you too. I need to feel you inside me."She begged with a moan as I rubbed her clit with my thumb and thrust a finger inside her.

"So wet for me my angel."I husky whispered as she blushes deeply. I smirk down at her beautiful eyes staring into my soul.

"Pl.... please Linds I need you now."She begged again with a whimpering as continue to pleasure her with my fingers until she cum over my fingers with a deep moan leaving her mouth.

I take a hold of my rock hard coçk and rub my tip over her wetness and thrust deep into her pusßy. We both groaned with pleasure. She pulled me down and crushed her mouth hard on mine as she wrapped her arms around me. Our tongues started to explode each other mouths. Her hands roamed my chest as I felt my skin on fire from her touch. I started thrust harder and more deeper as I placed her legs over my shoulders.

"Ooooh yes Linds."She moaned loudly.

"Cum for me my angel."I grunt as I moved faster and harder. I felt her walls tighten around my coçk.

"L... Linds ohhh I am cumin."She moaned breathlessly as she reached between us and rubbed her clit as she cum hard and fast.

"Ohh Steph."I growled as I cum hard deep inside of her. I collapse on top of her. I lay in between her breasts and legs.

"I love you."I mumble softly against her chest as strokes my head.

"I love you too."She raspy said.

I hope this chapter was okay 🤞🏻🥵 sorry for the long wait.... Been busy. Thanks for reading and voting❤️

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