chapter 14

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When I arrive here I wasn't sure what to expect but when I saw them my blood was boiling over. I wanted to go over there but Christine and John stopped me. They kept asking if I wanted to leave. I told them not just yet. I needed to see more but they more I watched and stare the more I felt like I was just torturing myself.

"Lindsey, calm down."John whispered as we all seat quietly at a table in the back.

"How can I calm down. Do you see them. I feel like I want to throw up."I sneered over at them. He sighed sadly with a nod.

"I just don't understand why she didn't just tell us."Christine frowned deeply.

"Do you think she knows we're here."John asked.

"No,I think Mick is sitting her up."I said as they both glanced over at Mick and Stevie chatting with some people.

"Why,she knows he invited you that's why she took the envelope."she said.

"To surprise her because I think he found out she is seeing her daughter and me without him knowing but I think he does know. But she doesn't realize he invited you two."I said as I narrow my eyes as I see red when he kissed her.

"Enough of this shït show."I angry said as I stood up and watched her walk over to the bar area.

"Lindsey, what are you doing to do."John asked with worries.

"Let me go over to her."she said as she put her hand on my shoulder and stood up.

"No."I flimly said before she could say or do something I stromed off. I could hear her sighed deeply with a shake to the head. I know I should have let her talk with her first and let myself calm down because she didn't want me to make a scene but I couldn't sit there anymore and watch him have his hands on her. I felt anger,hurt, betray but most of I sence she was uncomfortable and I could see it in her eyes but I was feeling so much anger at her for keeping this from me and not just being honest with me in the first place. I know I would have been angry at first but at least I would have taken better then I am now. As I walked over to her with her back facing me I took a long deep sharply breath.

"Stevie."I said as she turned around and choked on her wine.

"Lind.... Lindsey,what are you doing here."she said as she coughed to clear her throat and swallow down her wine sharply. I couldn't hope but chuckle with a shake to the head as she looked nervous and she keeps looking over my shoulder and I know why.

"Oh Mick so happens to stop by my place and kindly invite me to his new restaurant. Because my invitation just so happens to get last in mail or for whatever reason someone might have taken it."I mocked with a hiss.

"Lindsey,I....."she stumbled with her words.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know Steph. So please stop with the bullshit and just be honest with me for once because right now all I want to do is walk over to that prick and punch him but before I do that you need to tell me right now."I damaged with my fists tightly folded at my sides. She winced and weakly exhale slowly and out.

"I will tell you everything I promise but please not here or right now please Lindsey."she weakly said as I glanced over my shoulder to see that prick smirking over at us as he walked over. She been busted and she knows it.

"Well nice of you to show up mate I was beginning to think you weren't going too."he smugly said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She flinched.

"Oh cut the crap Mick,you knew damn well I would."I scowl as she shurgged him off but he tighten his grab on her.

"You're right,let get right to it. Shall we love."he simper as I glare at between them both.

"Mick please....."she raspy said as I watched her plead eyes with tears forming up in eyes. I sighed deeply.

"Let's go into my office where we're we can have some privately."He smiles as he ignored her and I wanted to feel sorry for her but I just couldn't so I nod as he lead us into his fancy office and closed the door behind us.

"Cut to the chase and tell me what the hell is going on between you two."I snapped as I was tried of the lying and I wanted the truth before I leave.

"Lindsey, please you gotta understand I...."she started to say but the prick cut her off.

"Now Stevie love,he wants the truth."he mocked as she glare.

"What truth."I asked with curiously as I stare between them.

"We're married and have a son ain't that right Stevie love."He maliciously as he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the of her head. My eyes widen as my jaw drops.

"Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke right Stevie."I laughed in shocked as I scowl.

"Y...."she choked on her words as she run out of the office door. I frowned heavily as the door slammed.

"She could never handle herself very well."he chuckled with a smirk.

"he chuckled with a smirk

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"You fvcking bastard."I grimace as I Punched him square in the face as he fall straight to ground with a groan.

I hope this chapter was good🤞🏻 next chapter more of Lindsey and Mick😬😠 Thanks for reading 😊♥️

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