chapter 19

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"Annabelle."she gasped as I sighed deeply.

"Dad, who's Jess."She asked again.

"Stevie,tell her."I weakly eye Stevie as she took a deep breath and exhale out slowly with a nod.

"Um, Jess is my son and your half-brother."She whispered as her eyes widen with shock.

"What,you have another kid."She glare over at her.

"Y...yes."She mumble.

"Seriously you have another kid in which you kept but not me."She angrily asked as I walked over to Annabelle.

"Now sweetie,you need to let her explain to you wh...."I started to say but got cut off.

"No Dad,what is so special about him that she kept, raised him and not me."She demand as I glanced over at Stevie I saw her face fall full of shame and regret written all over her.

"Annabelle, please don't be to upset and you have to understand that Mick has been doing to her over the years."I said with a sigh.

"What does Mick have to.....oh he's Jess father isn't he."She snapped. I frown deeply as I stare over at Stevie swallowing hard.

"Yes,and I married him."She weakly said as Annabelle eyes widen.

"You're married to him. Why I am not surprised. I mean dad was right along not to forgive you."She grimaced.

"Annabelle, stop right there."I harshly said.

"No,Lindsey,she right. I don't deserve you're or hers forgiveness. You where right by not wanted me to come here. I should have listened and stayed away."Stevie sadly said.

"Why didn't you."She said with tears. My heart ache for her but I didn't like the way she was speaking to her mother.

"Annabelle, I know you're upset but don't speak to your mother that way."I warned as Stevie sighed heavily.

"Oh so now she my mother."She harshly said as Steive winces.

"No,Lindsey she right."Stevie quietly said as my face falls.

"What."I said as I watch Stevie face close off.

"Annabelle,I am so very sorry. I never might to hurt or cause you and your father any pain. I thought I could chance things but now I see I've just cause more damage and that not what I wanted to do."Stevie honesty said as she looks over at me with sorrow. I wanted to just wrap my arms around her,let her cry and never let her go but the other part of me is confused.

"So now you accept me to forgive you all over again."she snapped with a cold stare.

"No, I don't accept everything."Stevie sadly said as I sighed deeply.

"Stevie..."I frown deeply as Stevie walked over to the front door and open it.

"Oh so now you're just going to walk off and run away like you always do."She sneer as she stood there with her arms crossed around her chest with a scowl on her face holding back the tears.

"Annabelle that's enough."I snapped over at her with a warning.

"Dad...."She winced as I took a deep breath and exhale sharply.

"Sweetheart,I know you're upset and hurting right now but I didn't raise you to be disrespectful."I calmly said as Annabelle flown.

"Whatever."She said with an eye roll as she walked off.

"It's okay Lindsey, she's right."Stevie softly said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes with a long sigh.

"I am sorry Stevie. She just needs time and I'll talk with her."I weakly said as she nods with a small weak smile.

"Are you going to be alright."I asked.

"Yeah."She said with a heavy sighe.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."I softly said as she weakly smile and left without another word. I rubbed the bridge of my noses as I walked back in to see upset Annabelle.

"Dad,how you protect her like that and not be upset that she's has a family with another guy when we're supposed to be her family. It's like we were her practice family."She angrily said as I felt a sharp pain in my heart at her words.

"Yes Annabelle,I am hurt and upset with her but she wasn't in a good place at the time with you and me. And I should have done more."I said with regret.

"So you are blaming yourself now. Dad come on she never wanted us."she scowled.

"That's not true."I hissed.

"Oh it's not then why did she marry someone else and have a baby with someone else if she wanted us she wouldn't have gone off like that."She sadly said with a bit of anger. I swallowed on easy as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I um..."I stumbled to say but no words would come out.

Sorry again for the slow updates and short chapter. I been having writer block. Thanks for reading ❤️

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