chapter 17

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"Mick."I glare as he looked at us in disgust.

"I hope I didn't interrupted anything."He grimace as we both stood up from the bed fully clothed.

"There is nothing to interrupted Mick."I scowl as Lindsey put his shoes on.

"Where my son."He asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Our son is sleeping in his room."I mocked.

"Stevie, I should be going now."Lindsey said as he glare over at Mick.

"Don't leave on my count."He sarcasm as I sighed deeply.

"Mick stop."I snapped as he rolled his eyes and want into the bathroom.

"Lindsey, thanks for staying and I am so very sorry for everything...."I steady my voice.

"I know."he weakly said as I placed a gentle soft kiss on his cheek.

"Stevie,are you going to be okay here with him."He asked with concern.

"Yeah,he won't do anything."I weakly smile as he nods.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later."he said as l watched him walk out. I stood there for a few minutes and took a deep breath and exhale out slowly.

"Boyfriend leave."He taunt as he comes out from the bathroom.

"Why did you bother to come back Mick."I harshly said.

"Well it is my home. We're did you accept me to go."He said with an eye roll.

"Oh I don't know maybe at your mom's. Anywhere but here."I hissed.

"Really,when you were so rude to my mother."He glare over at me.

"Oh please Mick,she always overrate to everything about me. Besides she was being rude to me by not wanted me to pick my son."I scowl.

"That's because I told her to keep him there."he said with narrow eyes at me.

"What."I snapped at him.

"Did you really think I'll let you take my son away from me. After all it's you who is divorcing me. So I see it as you should be the one leaving I am right."He glare into my eyes. I frown as I realized it might have been Karen that told him.

"Your not going to take my son from me Mick."I angry said as I looked right back into his without a flinch.

"Oh and what are you going to do about it huh go running to your Lindsey."He chuckled with a smug look on his ugly face that had shivers going down my spine.

"You don't own me anymore Mick or control me. I am not afraid of you anymore and I will not let you take my son from me."I said with a calm cool voice. I wasn't going to show him any fear.

"We're see about that sweetheart."he warned with a smirk as he walked out of the bedroom with some clothes. I exhale sharply as I felt the tears.

Few days later....

"Yes I know, I understand just do it. Good and we'll talk more about the details when I get there. Yes, I am on my way now. have it ready for me to sign okay thanks."I said into the phone as I hung up and pinned the bridge of my nose.

"Where are you going."I looked up to see Karen coming in.

"None of your business or did Mick tell you already."I mocked with a glare.

"No why."she said acting like she was offended.

"I thought as much. How long has Mick been paying you to keep taps on me."I asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Wh.....what are you talking about."She said in a shaky voice.

"Drop the act Karen. I know Mick's been paying you and that you ratted me out about going to see Lindsey,my daughter and telling him about the divorce."I scowl as she swallow hard.

"You're fired."I said when she didn't reply.

"Stevie."She gasps as I handled her last paycheck.

"Save it Karen. I don't want to hear it just have your things gone by time I return. I thought you were my friend but now I see that you can only be bought."I coldly said as I walked passed her as she stared at the check in her hand as I left the house.

"I coldly said as I walked passed her as she stared at the check in her hand as I left the house

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"You bastard."I blurt out angry as I walked straight into his office and slapped him across the face.

Sorry for the short chapter I just wanted to get an chapter out there for you'll all. And sorry for the lack of updates..... I hope this chapter is okay🤞🏻❤

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