chapter 10

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Few hours early....

"Here sweetheart play with race car well I answer the phone."I smile warmly.

"Okay mommy."he smiled toothly as I placed the car in front of him as he began to play with it.

"Hello."I said as I picked up my cell phone.

"Um hi Stevie, it's Annabelle."she said with a nervously in her voice.

"Oh hi Annabelle,it's good to hear your voice."I softy said as I glanced over at Jess playing with his car.

"I hope it's okay I call you. I got your number from Christine."she said.

"It fine honey,I don't mind at all. So what's up."I asked as I sighed in relief knowing that Mick or Karen don't have my private cell number.

"I was just wondering if maybe I could um come over to see you or maybe you could come for dinner tonight."She asked as I looked over at Jess again as he smiled up at me as I smile back. I thought for a minute before I spoke.

"I would love to come over for dinner if your dad saids it's okay."I said as I sense she hasilt for a second.

"He will be fine with it besides I want to spend some time with you."She said as I felt my heart warm as I smiled into the phone.

"I would love that too."I softy said.

"Good, I'll see you tonight say at six."she said.

"Sounds good."I said.

"Okay, I'll see them. Bye Stevie."She said warmly.

"Bye sweetie."I smile as I hung up the phone.

"Who was that mommy."he asked as he climbed on my lap.

"Remember I told you about that young lady that I hope to introduce you to one day."I smile as he thought hard about.

"Oh Bella."he cheeky smile as I chuckled softly.

"Yes,she asked me to come over tonight."I said.

"Can I come to Mommy."He asked with excitement in this voice as he jumped off of my lap. I felt a tug at my heart strings.

"No, sweetie not right now."I said as he frown.

"B...but I want to see my sister pwease."he sadly said. I swallow hard.

"I know sweetie, I promise you will very soon."I smile weakly as he sighed with a nod.

"Now how about you go and pick out some toys you would to take to grandma place for your sleep over."I smile softly as his eye lit up at the mention of his grandmother. They are very close but as for my mom and me we haven't been that close and she hasn't quit forgive yet for walking out on Lindsey and Annabelle. She does know I'm trying to make things right again with Lindsey and my daughter. She hopes it all goes well because she haven't seen Annabelle since she was born and hopes to see her someday soon so I am also doing this for my mother as well as for Jess to have his big sister in his life but I am fearing the worst because once Lindsey and Annabelle found out my secret I just know I will lose them all over again and I can't let that happen not after Annabelle is letting me in her life. I don't know how Annabelle will take it but Lindsey I can differently say he will be more hurt and more angry with me then before and I don't know how I will take it. But it's my own fault for letting Mick take control of my life, not telling Lindsey sooner. I sighed deeply as Jess runs off to get his toys.

"Where you going."Karen asked as I grabbed my purse along with Jess and I put his toys in his backpack and slipped on his coat.

"I am just taking Jess to my mom's house for a visit."I half lied. I was dropping him at my mom's for the night and then seeing my daughter but she doesn't need to know that.

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