chapter 12

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"Mick."I firmly steady voice as I opened the door half way.

"Oh I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'll drop by and say hi to my old mate."he smirks.

"Well you said hi so thanks for dropping by."I harshly said as I was about to close the door he put his feet in the door.

"Oh come mate that's no way to treat an old friend."He said with chuckle that sent shivers down my spine.

"What do you want Mick."I glared.

"Well I am hoping to see you at my new restaurant opening tonight."he smiles smugly.

"I didn't know You were opening up a restaurant here."I said.

"Oh,I would have thought you got my invitation. I mailed it out myself."he said with a shake to the head. I rolled my eyes.

"No,I never got invitation to your so called grand opening."I mocked as he chuckles.

"Mmmm,might have gotten lost in the mail."he smirked with a look that I wanted to slap right off his smug face.

"Look Mick I would love to chat more but I am kinda busy at the moment."I lied as I wasn't about to let this prick take anymore of my time let alone want to go to his restaurant opening.

"Oh well it's good that I stopped by then. I can invite you myself."he chuckled with a wink. I sighed sharply.

"Thanks, but I...."I was saying right before he cut me off.

"Come on mate,would it help any if I told you Stevie will be there as well."He said as I raised an eyebrow.

"You been in touch with Stevie lately."I asked with curiosity.

"Yes,she and I are very much in touch with each other."he wicked smile that had my skin crawling the way he said 'very in touch'. My gut tells me he is up to something and I don't like it one bit. I tightened my fists at my side.

"Oh."was all I could say.

"I thought heard Mick's voice."I turned around to see Christine coming over.

"Christine love,always good to see you."he faked smiles.

"You too."she said with an eye roll.

"Well since your here I would like to invite you and John to my opening of my new restaurant here in town. I am sure you got my invitation."he said.

"Oops, I might have tossed it out with the rest of the junk mail."she smirked as he glared at her and me as I chuckled. He never did like her or John after they left the band behind them.

"Like I was just telling Lindsey here,I would like to invite you both to my restaurant tonight."he said as he looked between us.

"I guess Stevie going to be there."I said as she gives me a questioning look.

"Yes,we can all catch up on old times."he grined.

"We'll see."she said before I could answer myself.

"Well then I hope to see you all there. It was a pleasure to you both good day."he smiles smugly as he walked off. I sighed deeply as I closed the door.

"He is up to no good Lindsey."she warned.

"I know,but maybe I'll find out what Stevie is not telling me."I hissed.

"Your not serious thinking of going are you Lindsey."She asked with worry.

"Why not Christine,Mick is obviously up to something and he differently wants me there tonight."I snapped as she sighed deeply.

"I am sorry, it's just he has always rubbed me the wrong way and I think he's had something to do with Stevie walking out on us. If I go I can see how she acts and how he acts around her. Not to mention I think I know what happened to my lost invitation."I weakly said.

"I understand Lindsey,but you don't think Stevie would've taken it do you."she asked.

"Maybe,I told you how weird she was acting and I could have sworn I saw her put an envelope in her purse .when she thought I wasn't looking."I explain as she sighed.

"Yeah, but if your right I just don't understand why or what she is hiding that she'll steal your mail and not want you to go to that restaurant."she said as she crossed her arms around her chest.

"Me either but I need to found out. And why didn't you tell me you got invited."I asked as I raised my eyebrows.

"To be fair I really didn't think much of it and I was going to mention it to you."She said with a small smile as I nodded.

"So are you going to tell her you're going."she asked with curiosity.

"Nope,I am just going to show up and see what happens."I smirked.

"Well if you're going I guess John and me are too."she smiles with a soft chuckle.

I just hope my gut feeling is wrong this time.

I hope this chapter is okay 🤞
Thanks for reading ❤️🙂 and sorry for any mistakes.... Next chapter is Stevie😬

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