chapter 20

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One Month later....

I sighed as it's been a whole month now since Annabelle learned about Jess. So I figured she had a enough time to calm down. I've been giving her space and time like Christine said to do and plus I haven't heard from Stevie either. I did tried to her call a couple of times but no answer from her. I was starting to worry about Stevie. I know I shouldn't but it's hard when you have that special connection with someone and plus share a child together. It won't die no matter how hard you try or want it to it's always going to be there. I realized that now. I just don't know what to do about it. But right now I need to make things right between Stevie and Annabelle.

"Hey kiddo,can we talk."I softly said as I stood at Annabelle bedroom door and a memory popped in my head.

"I guess."she said with a sighe.

"Annabelle, did I ever tell you how your mom knew we were having a girl."I smile softly as I walked in and took a seat on her bed.

"No."she said as she turned off her laptop and faced me.


"Steph sweetheart,what are you doing."I chuckle softly as he walked into the bedroom that we are turning into Bella room. We won't quit done with it just yet to see her talking and giggling to her swelling belly. She took my breath away ever time I see her. She has this glow to her since she got pregnant and it's makes her even more beautiful in my eyes.

"I was just talking with our daughter."she smile cheeky as I seat on floor indian style with hands on my belly rubbing gentle.

"Oh,so you know it's a girl."I smirks and take a seat next me.

"Yes."she grin proudly as I chuckled.

"How do you know it's not a boy."I said with my head cock to the side.

"Mother's intuition."she smile shyly as I laugh.

"I am seriously Linds,don't laugh."she frowned as she nudge me in the ribs.

"Oh angel, I am sorry."I softly said as I wraps my arm around her shoulder and she laid her head of my shoulder as I placed a kiss on top of her head. She sighed softly.

"It's okay,but I know it's a girl Linds."she smile softly as she rubbed her swelling belly.

"Just be prepared for our little girl to get into  your clothes along with you're makeup and all of you're stage clothes too."I chuckle as she giggles.

"Oh I am. I can't wait to play dress up with her and teach her how to put on makeup and dance on stage with me. I am excited."She beamed with joy. My heart melts.

"Me too my angel me too."I grin as I learned down and placed a sweet gentle kiss on her lips.

End of flashback...

"Dad,what's the point of telling me this."She sadly said as my heart aches for her.

"My point is sweetheart,your mother wanted you more then anything in this world."I smile softly as I reached over and take her hands in mine.

"It hurts to know she kept her another kid over me."She raspy said with tears started to foam in her eyes. I whipped the first tears that had fallen.

"I know it hurts my little angel,but you need to understand where your mother was coming from at the time. After she give brith to you I should have notice the change in her. But most importantly I should have seen what Mick was doing her and feeding her mind with doubt."I said with a heavy sighe.

"You think I should talk with her then."she sniffed.

"Look I am not trying to make any excuses for her and what she did to you or me but yes I think you should hear her out and go from there."I calmly said as I whipped away the rest of the tears as pulled her into a fatherly hug. She left out a deep sighe.

"Okay,but do you think she wants to see me after what I said to her."she weakly asked as she glanced up at me.

"Of course sweetie. Do you want to me to go with you."I softly smile as she nods.

I hope this chapter was okay... Sorry for it being short. Thanks for reading and voting❤

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