chapter 23

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"Mommy can we."He cheekily grins as he runs over to me and I pick him up in my arms with him holding on to his teddy bear.

"Honey, I don't think Linds has the room plus you where excited about living at grandma."I nervously said as I glanced at Linds for help.

"Annabelle..."He began to say but was quickly cut off.

"Look at it as getting to know your daughter and me getting to know you and Jess. And I want to meet my grandmother as well. Please."She said as she gave us both puppies eyes stare.

"How about this Stevie you guys could stay at my beach home. That way you'll can still spend time together and Annabelle you could spend some night's over there getting to know your mother and stepbrother."He said as he glanced over at me with a warm smile.

"That's would be good if it's not to much trouble and you are not using it."I said as I felt a bit relieved not that I didn't want to stay with them it's just I didn't know what all this means now between us.

"No,trouble at all and I am not using the house so you're more than welcome to stay there. Besides I know how much you love the beach. It will be good for you Stevie."He smiles softly. My heart melts as I realize just how much he still knows me.

"Um,that's sounds wonderful. What do you think Jess,would you like to stay at the beach. And Annabelle is it's okay with you I know how much you wanted us to stay with you and your dad."I asked as I fix Jess in my arms.

"Yes,I can make sandcastles."He cheeky smiles as I chuckle softly.

"And Annabelle."He asked as We both glances over at her fidget from one to other foot.

"It's not what I wanted but I think it would be fine. As long as we can still have like maybe a family night."She said with a small smile.

"I think we can manage that."I smile warmly.

"Okay then,now that's settled let's getting going."He smiles as I noded.

After we get everything load up in both cars and made sure the movers knew where to take everything I wanted and what to put into storage. As we arrived at our so called new home for now I couldn't but feel a bit nervous or hesitant about this. I didn't know what all this means now and after I found a place. But whatever does happen I am not ever going to let it go again.


"I think that's everything Stevie."He said as he whipped the sweat from his forehead and placed the last box and stiutcases down.

"Thanks Linds."I softly smile.

"You're welcome."He smiles.

"Look Linds,I want you know that what you did back there with Annabelle and everything it means the world to me and I hope you know I will be forever grateful to you."I honestly said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and stay like that for a minute or two. It felt so good being in his arms again until he cleans his throat and we pull apart.

"Okay, I guess we better get going. But if there anything you need don't hesitate to ask."He said as he hand me the keys.

"I won't."I smile softly as I take the keys.

After they leave I started to unpacked Jess room first and making up his bed. I chuckles as he try to help me fold his clothes.

"Look mommy."He cheekily grins as he shows me the clothes he folded. I smile with a soft laugh as the shirt is halfway folded.

"Oh thanks you sweetie."I smile softly as he grins teethly and puts it in his dresser draw.

"Mommy, can Linds and Annabelle come over to tomorrow."He asked.

"We'll see honey."I said as I finish up with his clothes.

"Okay Mommy."He said.

"You like having a sister don't you."I asked as he started to play with his toys on the floor.

"Yes,I like Linds too. He funny."He smiles slyly as I smile warmly.

"I'll order dinner for us but I need to call grandma first."I said as He nods and continued to plays.

"Hi,mom."I said as she answered the phone.

"Oh hi,I thought you and Jess would be here by now. Nothing is wrong is there."She asked with worrie in her voice.

"I am sorry,nothing is wrong. In fact everything couldn't be better."I smile into the phone.

"Tell me sweetheart."She said  as I took a deep breath and breath out.

I talked with mom for about an hour or so telling her that Annabelle is letting in her life and she forgive me and that I am staying at Linds beach home. She sound happy and hopefully. She also said that she wanted to come over to tomorrow and help me with things but most important she asked if Annabelle will be there as well. I told she probably will be because Jess wanted them to come back over so my mother said let's have a family dinner and she wanted to talked more about things.

"Okay mom, I will tell Jess,I love you too and I will call Linds and ask him."I smile softly.

"I am so happy for you dear. Oh I can't wait to see my granddaughter again."she said excitedly into the phone. I chuckled softly.

"Thanks,we're talk more tomorrow I need to make dinner for Jess."I said as we said our goodbyes and hang up the phone.

"Mommy, I am hungry."He said as I turned around to see Jess coming into the kitchen.

"Sorry honey,I just hang up with your grandma. I will order something right now."I said as I looked over the phonebook for take-out.

"Can we have pizza please."he smiled sweetly as he took a set at the table.

"Yes,Cheese pizza."I smile as he nods.

After dinner and I put Jess to bed I take a long bath than I got dressed and stepped outside with a glass of wine I set down on one the chair and looked out into ocean night. Inhale the ocean air. I was finally at pace with myself and looking forward to the future.

I hope this chapter was okay and not to boring🤞🏻 sorry for the very slow updates I am still struggling with this story. Thanks again for reading and voting ❤

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