chapter 15

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"Bloody hell mate,what the hell was that for."He groan as he got up off of the floor.

"Why Mick."I asked as he whipped the blood dripping from his lip.

"I see it as I saved you a lot of trouble by marrying her for you."he chuckled with smirk as if it's some kind of joke.

"What's that's supposed to mean."I snapped as I got right in his face as my jaw tightened and my blood was boiling through out my whole body.

"I see it as I saved you and that kid of ours a lot of heartache. You should be thanking me."he taunt as I shoved him up against the wall as hard as I could.

"Oh come on now mate we all know Stevie isn't all that innocent."he smugly said as I shoved him again and he groaned.

"So you just decide to use her for your own personal gain known she had a drug problem and was emotionally weak,not in her clear mind."I scowl as he pushed me off of him.

"She made to easy all I had to do was show her a white powder bag along with a line and her eyes were light up. She made it to easy for me. In fact you did too by kicking her out and she came a running to me and who was I to turn her away. So I opened my arms and she ran right into them."he chuckled with a evil smile. I felt sick to my stomach. How could someone who you thought you could trust turned out to be so cuel.

"So you just played with her emotions. How can you be so cuel. She trust you. Hell I did too."I glare as he rolled his eyes.

"What can I say mate,when I see an option I go for it Plus she own me."he snigger.

"What."I asked with curiously.

"Do you know how much it cost to feed her habit."He said without any emotion.

"You really are a piece of shït."I coldly said as he just shrugged it off. I felt so much like killing him right now. I exhale sharply trying to calm myself.

"So you obviously you invited me here for a reason so I guess this is why. You wanted me to find out about you and her. What about your son. Was he part of your plan too."I asked with venom.

"Well I felt Stevie wasn't going to tell you herself so I felt I needed too. And also I find out she divorcing me. As for my son that was not in my plan but it worked in my favor I got her to marry me."he snicker.

"So you did this to embarrass her and to get back at her for divorcing you and you are using your own kid against her as well."I grimace.

"Let's just say Lindsey have everything under control. And when it comes to my son it's none of you're concerned."He smirked as I felt like there was more he not telling me and my gut feeling is I don't think Stevie even knows what a monster she married.

"What are you up too Mick."I demanding in tone.

"Nothing that concern you mate."He mockery.

"I am not your mate,and I will not let you hurt Stevie or her son anymore."I warned as I whispered in his ear and walked out the door without another word but I could sense he wasn't to happy with that.

"I warned as I whispered in his ear and walked out the door without another word but I could sense he wasn't to happy with that

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"Lindsey, what happen. I tried asking Stevie but she run right passed us upset."she asked as I made my way outside looking for Stevie.

"Mick,their married and have a son."I hissed as I sighed deeply and ran my hand over my face.

"What."they both said in shock.

"I didn't want to believe it either but it's true."I weakly said.

"Wow,I wasn't expecting that but I had a feeling something was going on between them."she said.

"Yeah,I think know deep down inside as well but I just can't...."I frown deeply.

"I know."John softly said as he patted me on the back.

"That bastard used her and took advantage of her weakness and her drug habits, kept her high on cocaine. Not to mention he is using their son against her to keep an hold over her. He didn't plan on getting her pregnant but he saw it as an opportunity to get her to marry him so he could keep better control over her and her money,whatever else he wants."I snapped as I felt it was all my fault. I should have done more to protect her but I didn't I just let her walk right out the door and right  into that asßhole arms.

"What now Lindsey."she asked.

"I need to see Stevie."I said as I got into my car and sped off.

Sorry for the late updates and short chapter...I hope this chapter is okay🤞🏻 ❤️

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