chapter 24

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I was in my studio finishing up some parts of a song I've been working on for awhile now and I was somewhat done with it but I was add the final touches to it. I wanted the song to be prefect and it's a meaningful song.

"Dad."I heard from behind me.

"Hey sweetheart."I smile softly as I turned around in my chair.

"Mom,called and she asked if will come over for dinner and grandma will be there. Plus Jess asked if you will help him make a sandcastle."She said as she started to look over the song I was working on.

"Sounds like a family reunion."I said as I watch her.

"Well it kinda is."She softly said as she writes something down and started to changed some words around. I stare at what she wrote and I grin.

"Why didn't I think of that."I chuckle softly as she giggles with a shrug.

"It's about mom."She asked as I smirk with a nod.

"So are you ready for all of this meeting your grandma."I asked as she fidget.

"Maybe."She whispered.

"It okay to be a little nervous about seeing her. She hasn't seen you since you were a baby."I weakly said.

"Why."She sadly asked as I sighed deeply.

"I don't know but I should've kpet in touch with her but I was to lost, hurt and I just up and left with you. Without telling anybody."I sadly said as she flown.

"Dad,I am not blaming you or her. I know how hard you hadn't when mom left."She weakly smile as I felt like I am to blame too.

"Not to mention your grandfather."I stumbled to say. She sighed deeply.

"Dad, we can't keep going back and forth with what could have been. I mean it sucks I didn't get to know my grandparents but we need to focus on what we have now."She smiles softly as she whapped her arms around me from behind.

"You're a wonderful daughter you know that."I smile warmly as I placed my hand on hers.

"Well I am the perfect version of you and mom."She giggles as she kissed my cheek. I chuckled softly.

"Yes you are my angel."I grin as my heart melts. She really is the better part of Stevie and me.

"Are going to show that song to mom."She asked as we both started handled out to the car.

"After I finish it. And when the time is right."I said as we got into the car.

"You know what else would make the song more perfect."She grins as we pull out of the driveway.

"What."I asked.

"If you had mom sing on it with you."She grins bigger.

"Not a bad idea."I said as she smirks.


"You look happy."She smiles as I look on to Jess getting the shovel and baskets together on the spot where chosen to build the sandcastle.

"Christine,I do. I feel like I can finally breath again and I don't have to hold my breath."I smile softly.

"Well it suits you. But I am happy for you."She smiles as she Pat's my hand.

"Thanks."I said as I heard the front door.

"Sounds like Lindsey and Annabelle are here."she said as Linds call out.

"We're out here Linds."I called out as they walked outside.

"Hey."He smiles as they made theirs way outside.

"Lindsey Lindsey."we heard before I could say "hi"back Jess comes running up to Linds.

"Hey there buddy."He smiles down at him. My heart melts as I see how excited he is to see Linds.

"I'm here too."Annabelle fake punts with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hi."he slyly smiles as gave her a hug. My heart melts with warmth knowing she accepted him. I glanced over at Linds as he smirks.

"Mommy,we go make the sandcastles now."He asked with excitement. I chuckles softly.

"Go head baby."I smile warmly as he grabs Linds hand and pulls him away and goes out to the beach where he has everything set up for them to build the sandcastle.

"Are you okay Annabelle."I asked as she fidget from where she stood.

"Um yeah,why."She said as I glanced over at Christine.

"You seem nervous."I said as she sighed deeply.

"I guess I am worried about meeting grandma."she amit as I want over to her and took her hands in mine with a warm smile.

"Sweetheart don't be."I smile softly as I gave ours a gentle squeeze.

"I..."She started to say but heard my mother voice coming from inside.

"Oh my gosh Annabelle."my mother choked out with tears as she made her way to us.

"H..hi..."Annabelle sniffed as my mom rushed over to her and pulled in for a hug. I stood and watched with my own tears as I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me as I learned my head on his shoulder.

Sorry for the short chapter I wanted to get a chapter out to you all. ❤ please check out my other Story called Have you ever needed someone so bad. I updated today.... 🙂

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