chapter 11

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"oh my gosh I am so sorry."I said as I stumbled into the table and let my hand push all the mail on to the floor.

"Are you okay Stevie."she asked with worryness in her eyes.

"What's going on."he said before I could answer Annabelle spoke up.

"She lost her balance and fell into the table."She said as he looked at all messed on the floor.

"I didn't know what happened I just felt a dizzy there for a minute."I lied as I placed my hand on forehead.

"Annabelle,why didn't you get her a glass of water."He said as she nods and walks off.

"I am sorry Lindsey,let me help pick up this mess."I said as I kneel down on my knees and frightly for the envelope.

"No Stevie it's okay I got this."he said as got down on his knees as he tried to to help me up but I shrugged him off as my eyes caught the envelope. Just as I snatched the envelope without him seeing me along with other pieces of mail just as Annabelle comes back.

"Here the water."she said as I quickly stood up, stuffed it into my purse and placed the rest of the mail on the table without being notice I sighed deeply in relief as my heart was beating fast.

"Oh thanks sweetie."weakly smile as I took it and drink it down quickly.

"How are you feeling."she asked.

"I am much better now thanks."I said as Lindsey stood up with the rest of the mail and placed it on the table.

"Are you sure Stevie."he said with concern in his voice as I take my phone out.

"Yeah,I am sure my driver just pulled in."I said as I glanced at a text message.

"Oh okay."he gave a small smile.

"Thanks again for letting me come over. I had a lovely time. Hopefully we can do this again soon."I smile warmly.

"Me too."she softy said.

"We're talk later okay Stevie."he said with his eyes burning a hole into me as I swear he knows something but how could he. I exhale sharply as I tightened the grips of my purse straps.

"Okay Lindsey.."I calmly said as I walked out and got into the waiting car. I opened up my purse and took out the envelope.

"What the hell are you up to Mick."I crused under my breath as I griped the envelope tightly in my hand and ripped it into pieces.

Next day....

"Stevie,are you alright."she asked with concern.

"Yes,why."I said as my eyes are staring off.

"It's just you been awful quiet since you got here. "she said as she hands Jess his juice box  along with a few cookies. As he sets and starts to eats his cookies and drinks his juice quietly swing his legs back and forth.

"I just have alot on my mind."I smile weakly as she placed a cup of hot tea in front of me as I glanced up at her.

"You do know you can't keep this act up for much longer."she warned as she took a set next me with her cup of tea. I sighed deeply as pinned the bridge of my nose.

"You don't think I know that mom."I glared over at her as she shakes her head.

"Jess sweetheart, why don't you take your juice and cookies into the living room and watch some cartoons."she said as she helps him gather up his cookies and juice for him.

"Okay grandma."he smiles toothly as he take his juice and cookies from her and runs into the living room.

"And don't run."I shouted out to him and I hear him say sorry. I chuckles softly.

"Look Stevie, I just don't understand why you didn't tell Lindsey in the first place when you had the chance too."she said as I frown upon myself.

"You don't think I am kicking myself right now. I mean I am just starting to get to know my daughter and for once Lindsey is not is not throwing me out."I said with a deep sighe.

"I know, I am just saying with Mick already trying to ruined it for you I think you need to tell Lindsey before he does something else."She weakly said as she reached over and squeeze my hand gently. I felt like the whole world was going to swallow me up.

"Oh mom, I feel so a shame and guilty. If Lindsey find out he will never forgive me this time and not to mention Annabelle she will be heartbroken. I can't lose them all over again because I was so naive,so stupid to believe Mick and let him control,use me the way he did."I raspy said as l whipped away a few tears that I let fall.

"Oh honey,it's not all your fault. Mick is an evil person for taking advantage of you in your state of mind you where in at the time. He knew how to use your weakness against you. I wish I could have done more for you. I should have taken you away from that man."she sincerely said with sadness and a bit of anger. She pulls me up and took me into her arms. I laid my head on her shoulder trying hard not to break down and cry. As the tears rolled down my face. I felt so cold and empty like a lost soul out of place.

I hope this chapter is okay🤞 thanks for reading and voting...♥️😊

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