chapter 8

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"I keep thinking about why I didn't see how hooked she was on cocaine. I know she did a few lines but hell I even I tried a few along with weed but I never saw the sign of her being hooked."I said as I ran my fingers through my hair in frustrating.

"Lindsey, you can't set here and keep blaming yourself."Christine said as I ran a hand over my face.

"Did you know."I asked curiosity.

"Well..."she said as she looked down.

"What the hell Christine."I scowl as she sighed deeply.

"You know when she got pregnant she stopped using and she was happy like her normal self again and I thought everything was good. But I started noticing after the pregnancy and after you decide to leave the band she was snapping at every little thing,she was showing up late again and she wasn't acting like herself. I tried to talk with her but she would just shrug it off and say she wasn't getting an enough sleep and she was up with the baby. So I thought okay but it wasn't for one night I noticed that Mick and her would seek off together then she would come back all smiles, giggles but John mentioned that he happen to see Mick give her a small white bag one night but when John asked Stevie about it Mick would always come to her defense's says it's nothing don't worry about it. "she said as I felt my blood pressure raising.

"Why didn't you tell me."I hissed.

"I am sorry Lindsey but I had my own problems at the time. That I wasn't thinking."she scowl as I frown.

"Don't be sorry I am the that should be sorry. I know you and John had problems alongside with both of yours drinking problem. And plus Stevie was good at hiding it."I said with a small smile.

"It's okay,I guess we all wouldn't seeing clearly at the time let alone thinking right and we were all frighting our own demons. Plus Stevie and me were not speaking after we quit the band and she left you."she sadly said as I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah your right, I am sorry. I guess I am mad at myself for not seeing it when it was right in my face. But I choice to look the other way."I sighed deeply.

"It's okay,just stop blaming yourself for her actions back then."She said as I smile weakly.

We talked for another hour or so before Annabelle walked in from outside.

"Hey dad and Christine."I smile as Annabelle walked in from outside.

"How's my beautiful girl doing today."I smile softly as I kissed her on top of her head.

"I am fine dad."She said with a giggle.

"Bella,are you still coming over tonight. John is making your favorite for dinner."Christine said with a smile.

"Uh-yeah,you know how much I love John cooking."She smiles as Christine grins.

"So what's up sweetie."I asked.

"Um well I kinda bumped into Stevie when I was walking on the beach."She nervously said.

"Oh."I said.

"Um yeah."she softly said as she pulls on the sleeves of her shirt.

"Maybe I should leave you two alone to talk."Christine said.

"No,Christine please stay."She said as she grabbed Christine hand as she glanced over at me and I nodded with a small smile.

"Did you talk with her."I asked with curiously.

"Yes,I did."she whispered softly.

"What happened Bella."Christine asked as she gave a gentle squeeze of the hand.

"I was walking along the beach when I saw her seating there alone. So I walked up to her and I don't know what came over me but I just walk right up to her. And said so you're my mother the famous Stevie Nicks who abandon me...."she said as she exhale sharply trying to calm herself.

"It's okay Bella."Christine smiles softly as she wrapped her arm around her shoulder and she lays her head on Christine shoulder as she comforts her. I felt a tug at my heart strings as it's ached for seeing how much Stevie messed being a mother to comfort her own daughter but I am also thankful that Annabelle has Christine.

"She explained to me why she left. She wasn't ready to be a mother."She sadly said as I frown deeply.

"I am sorry sweetie."I said as I pulled her into my arms and bruises her face into my chest as she sobs a little bit. I smooth her.

"She also said the drugs,her judgement cloud her and she wasn't in her right mind along side she also mentioned that people were controlling, influence her over the years. But she also said something that was weird too."she said as she lifted up her head at me.

"What."I asked.

"She said someone that she thought she trusted manipulated her and used her."she weakly said.

"Mick."I crused under my breath as Christine gave me a look.

"Belle,did she happen to mention Mick."Christine asked.

"No,why."she said as she stares at us with a question look.

"Was that all she mentioned."I asked.

"Basically that was about it."she said as I sighed deeply.

"Okay,so how do feel. Are you going to see her again."I asked as I wanted to change the subject and she rolls her eyes knowing I don't want to talk about this in front of her.

"I feel relieved but also sad but I think I want to see her again and maybe just get to know each other, see how it goes from there."she said.

"I am fine with that my little Angel."I smile warmly.

"Thanks Dad and you too Christine."she smiles softly as she hugged us both.

"You're welcome sweet Belle. Now why don't you go and get ready to go."Christine softly smile as she nods and walks off.

"Christine,if Mick had a hand in Stevie leaving her daughter and me I'll kill him."I snapped.

"Lindsey,you don't know that for sure."She said as I shake my head.

"I know Mick had something to do with Stevie leaving or whatever else he did. Who's else do you think Stevie was talking about someone manipulating, controlling and using her."I scowl as she sighed in defect.

I hope this chapter is okay🤞... sorry for any mistakes... Thanks for reading and voting....❤️🙂

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