chapter 22

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"Look mommy Annabelle here."He cheekily smiles.

"I see that honey."I softly said as I glance over at Linds.

"She wanted to see you that's why we're here."he smiles as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I felt relief and warmth. Something I hadn't felt in years.

"Yeah,I hope that's okay."she weakly said.

"Annabelle, it's more then fine. I am happy you're here."I smile warmly as she sighed in relief.

"I got tried of waiting for Dad and also I saw the moving trucks pull up so I come in and I saw Jess here and he knew who I was."She said glances over at her father as he mouthed "sorry" to her.

"Mommy showed me pictures of you. She looks like you Mommy. Pretty."he toothy grins as he glanced up at her.

"Yes,she does honey she very pretty."I chuckle softly as she blushes.

"Why don't I take Jess here and see if he needs any more help packing up his stuff."He asked.

"Um yes,also can you tell the movers that everything downstairs that is picked up and ready to load up and also up here too in this room and Jess room as well."I asked as he nods.

"Thanks."I smile softly.

"Okay, Jess let's go."he said softly as he hold out his hand for him to take as Jess hesitant for a moment looking at me.

"It's okay sweetie Lindsey is a really good friend of Mommy."I smile sweety at him.

"Okay Mommy."He smiles slyly as he takes Linds hand and walked off.

"I wanted to apologize to you."She blurt out as a few minutes had passed.

"It's fine. I get it I would be angry too if I was you."I weakly smile as she shakes her head.

"No it's not. I was feeling hurt and jealous because you kept Jess and not me. I felt like you didn't want me and we we're just your practice family."She cried out as I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I frown sadly as I swallowed down the lump in my throat. I now fully realize just how much I've hurt my own daughter and it's not what I wanted at all.

"Oh my sweet Annabelle, that's far from truth I've always wanted you. I've never stopped wanted you or your father. And I can't say enough how very sorry I am. I never might to hurt you or cause you and your father any pain but I did and I will be forever sorry. It's something I have to live with for rest of my life."I sincerely said as I cupped her face in my hands with tears in my eyes as I stare into her sad eyes. My heart feels so much regret.

"What made you keep him."She asked as I inhale deeply and drop my hands to my sides.

"I just couldn't do it again to another one of my child. I realized when I was getting clean and sober the pain and heartache that I did to you I couldn't put on to another child. So I made a promise to Jess that I would make things right with you and if you didn't want everything to do with me I would have to deal with it but at least I tryed. Jess made me get better,stronger and having hope that one day you would forgive me and that hope kpet me going. I know it's not a good reason or excuse but you and Jess kept me going. I know what I did to you and you're father. It's something I live with everyday."I weakly said as she gave a sad nod of understanding.

"Dad,told me Mick made you leave us."She sadly said as I sighed deeply and I whipped away the falling tears.

"He was yes. He put a lot of doubt in my head and take advantage of my weakness along with my drug use and my emotional state. He also used Jess to keep me so he could continue to have a hold over me and I was stupid enough to let him by marrying him because I was still dependent him at the time. But when I started getting better and thinking for myself and he started to get wise of it and realize that I wasn't so dependent on him anymore and that I wasn't going to take it anymore from him or give him anymore money. He find out I was divorcing him and he also find out I was seeing you and your father. So he planned to keep Jess from me if I didn't give him what he wanted."I sadly said as she flown.

"What did he want."She asked as I swallowed hard.

"He wanted everything. All of it plus he was going to wrote a tell all story about me and my drugs along with our fake marriage."I said in shame as I looked away from her stare.

"That scumbag."She angrily said as I gasped. I didn't expect to hear that from her.

"I couldn't let him take Jess away from me and not being able to see him again and if that means giving him all of it along with my damn career so be it. I don't care about my career anymore. I finally know what is more important to me and that is my kids. I can't live my life without my kids I tried to do that with you and look what happened. I screwed up with you and made the mistake of letting you go. It will be forever my biggest regret. I can't do the same mistake to Jess I just can't. I know that make you feel jealous and hurt because I kept him and not you but I am better and stronger than I was before. I changed for the better and I am here now for you. And I am not going anywhere."I sincerely said as I placed my hand over my heart promising.

"I believe you."She softly whispered as She runs into my arms.

" do."I stumble my words as I hold her in a motherly manner.

"Yes,I forgive you."She mumble softly as my heart feels whole again.

"Oh Annabelle,you mean the world to me and I can't say a enough how much this mean to me. I love you sweet angel."I cried happy tears.

"I....I love you too mom."She sniffles as I smile warmly and I kissed the top of her head. I glanced over to the doorway to see Linds standing there with a grin on his face holding Jess hand.

"Sorry to interrupt but the movers need to load up the boxes in here."He said as he clears his throat. I whipped away her tears along with mine own and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she stood at my side.

"It's okay,did the movers get everything load up downstairs and Jess room."I asked.

"Yeah, they got everything load up down there and Jess room done now they are ready to load up in here now."He smiles.

"Okay,I am just about done in here. I just need finish up in the closet."I smile softly.

"Annabelle,why don't you help Jess with his bags that he is taking with him out to the car while I help in here."He said as looked down at Jess with his favorite teddy bear in his arm.

"Okay dad,come on Jess."She softly said as walked over to them and She whispers in her dad ears that made his grin widen as they walked out.

"So from the looks of things between you and her I guess it went well between you two."He asked as we both started working on the closet and putting clothes in my suitcases. 

"Yes,it went very well. I wasn't expecting it either but I am so very happy. And I have you to thank. So thank you Linds for everything."I smile sweetie as I placed a sweet gentle kiss on his lips. He sighed softly.

"Um well okay then do you have everything need so we can start taking your suitcases down to the car."He asked as I chuckle softly.

"Yeah I think so."I said as I glance around making sure.

"Okay,where are you and Jess staying. And also did Mick got all of your money."He asked as gathered up everything placed them by the doorway and I looked one left time around the room.

"We are going to stay with my mother for awhile until I found a place for me and Jess. And yes I able to put some money aside for us without him knowing. So we're good."I smile softly.

"That's good but if you need anything I mean everything don't hesitate to ask."he said with a smile.

"Thanks Linds."I softly said.

"Dad,can they stay with us."She asked as Jess and her came back in with smiles.

"What."We both said with widen eyes.

I hope this chapter was okay 👍 Should Stevie and Jess move in with Lindsey🤔 Thanks for reading ❤

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