chapter 13

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"Stevie love,are you already yet. I don't want to be late."I heard him calling from the bedroom as I fished up putting the last touches of my makeup and my hair now all I had left to do is slip on my dress which was in the closet.

"Almost."I said with an eye roll. I wasn't looking forward tonight. I tried to get out by saying I had a bad headache but Mick wasn't buying it and it just made him more annoying at me.

"I told you to be ready by time I dropped off Jess."he mumble under his breath as I ignored his remark. As I walked out bypass him on the edge of the bed. He sighed with an eye roll as I walked inside my closet and grabbed my dress. I dropped my rope and slipped on my dress quickly. I was thankful it was a walk-in closet not to mention big.

"Was Jess okay dropping him off at you're parents."I asked when I stepped out all dressed. Jess was a bit fussy about going over there. He wanted to come with us to the restaurant but Mick didn't want him there. Saying he would just run around everywhere and he wanted tonight to be successful. Sometimes it seems like Mick never wanted Jess in the first place but I ended up getting pregnant all because of a night of partying after a show one night. We had gotten so high and wasted that he forgot to wear protective and I was always very careful about that. But the next morning when I woke up and realized what had happened I ran straight into the bathroom and threw up. When I told him I was pregnant he wasn't to mad that's when I knew that maybe it wasn't accident after all that he wanted me to get pregnant so he'll have a better hold over me. And I was that dumb and naive at the time but no more.

"He's fine." He frustrated said as I glared at him.

"Stevie, he was fine by the time I dropped him and prickly run in there."he said with a sighed.

"That's all you had to say in the first place Mick. I worried about my son."I scowled as he rolled his eyes and lead us out of the house and into the car. The car ride was silent the whole way there and I looked out the window.

As I glance around the restaurant looking at all the people Mick invited to his opening some I knew and others I didn't know who they were just that they were business people Mick was involved with because I wouldn't give him anymore money so he had to find other investors to put into the restaurant. He wasn't to happy about that but I didn't care he wasn't going to get another Penny out of me. I look over at him chatting away with a couple of people with fake smiles and laughs. I on the other hand was bored and just wanted to get out of here.

"Stevie love,can't you act like you're enjoying the food."he mumble quietly as I pushed my food back and forth with my frock.

"Sorry I am just not that hungry."I whispered with a sighe.

"Well then just smile and laugh more but try to act like you are enjoying yourself."He scowled quietly as dropped my frock loudly that it crushed against the plate and all faces looked over at us.

"Stevie."he warned as he smiles waves them off.

"What."I snapped as I glared at him.

"Stop with the attitude."he sneer as I exhale sharply and gulped down my wine as I got up and walked away. I heard him following me into the hallway by the lady's room.

"Stevie,I don't know what your problem is but I want you to start acting like my wife and stop with the damn attitude."he harshly warned as he grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me."I angry said as I yanked my arm out of his grab and walked into the bedroom.

"Stevie."I heard him curse under his breath as I stand against the door.

I turned on the water and splash some warm cool water on my face and grabbed a paper towel and dryed my face off. I tossed the towel into the garage can. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed deeply as my makeup was a mess so I opened up my purse and took out my makeup bag and fixed my face up and hair some but not much. After a few minutes I calmed myself down and took a few deep breath before I walked back out there.

"You might be very proud of your husband. His restaurant is very nice and the food is excellent."A woman said with a pretty smile when I got back to the table and seat down next to him.

"Yes,my husband has put a lot of work into this restaurant."I fake smile as the word 'Husband' leaves my mouth I felt a bit of acid in my stomach.

"My wife has been very supportive."he grin as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kisses my cheek. I gave a tight smile with a small nod.

"That's better."he whispered queitly in my ear as I stuffed in my seat and pulled away from him to chat with a woman. I heard him chuckle with a smirk that I wanted to just slap right off his face. He knew I didn't want no one knowing we we're married. I know he did this out of spite because he knew it would anger me and that's what he wanted.

"Excuse me,I need another drink."I said with a weak smile as I couldn't take another minute of Mick mouths and him touching me.

"Of course love."he smiles smugly as I stood up and walked over to the bar I felt a sense of someone watching me but I shurgged it off thinking it was just Mick.

"Stevie."I heard as I choked on my wine.

I hope this chapter is okay 🤞🏻 sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading ❤️. Next chapter  Lindsey 😬😬

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