chapter 4

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"Hello can I help you."she asked as I stood there lost for words.

"Honey,who's at the door."the voice that haunt me comes face to face with me.

"Annabelle, won't do go back in and help Christine."he said as he never take his eyes off of me.

"Okay dad."she said as she glanced over her shoulder at me as she walked off.

"What the hell do you think your doing showing up at my home."he furiously said as he closed the door behind him.

"Um um Lindsey... I... Wow she looks so much like me but yet a perfect vision of both of us. She beautiful "I struggled as he stares coldly at me that I felt a shiver run down my spine as I swallow down my sorrow.

"Why are you here. I thought I made it perfectly clear that I didn't want to talk with you or have anything to do with you."he said with honestly as he spoke his words I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"I know you did but Lindsey please."I bagged as he exhale sharply with a sighe as I reached to touch him but he turns away. I frown.

"Why should I."he said as he stares angry at me. It felt like the whole world was swallowing me up.

"Because she my daughter too."I said with a shake voice.

"She was your daughter but the moment you walked away you are no longer her mother I am her only parent."he coldly said with daggers in his eyes. My heart broke with sorrow.

"Don't you dare say I am not her mother. And yes I did walk away all those years ago but I never stopped loving her or bring her mother."I snapped as I pointed my finger in his face. He stares at me sideways like a have two heads.

"Hey,is everything okay out oh hi Stevie."Christine said as she walked outside.

"Hello Christine."I weakly smile.

"Yeah, Stevie was just leaving."he said as he walked inside without another word and I sighed heavily as the door closed behind him.

"Before you say everything chirstine,I know I shouldn't have just showed up here but he give me no another choice."I sadly said as I shifted from one feet to the other.

"No, you shouldn't have so what did you expect would happen that he'll just welcome you back with open arms."she said mocking as I glare at her.

"No but I didn't expect to be treated this way. All I wanted to do is talk with him and explain myself and to let him know how sorry I am for everything. And to maybe uh-..."I stuttered. She narrow her at me sideways.

"And to see Bella."she said as I stare at her with a frown.

"Bella,I called her that the first time I saw her."I sadly said as I swallow down the lump in my throat and look away. She sighed.

"Look Stevie,I know how hard this is for you but you need to understand how very hard it was for Lindsey. Being left with a new born,after you left him he was at his lowest point and I never seen him so lost and in such pain and hurt."she said as I felt regret overwhelmed me.

"Look Stevie I said to much as it is and I don't think it my place to tell you about Lindsey and what he went through it should come from him not me."She said as I know she is right.

"I know how badly I hurt him and not just him but Belle as well. I only want to make it right again with him. But he won't let me."I said as she nodded.

"You remember when I told you that I am not going to take sides."she said as I nodded to her that I recall and listen for her to continue.

"I told him that as well. That the only side I'm on is that little girl. So with that being said I will try to talk with him. But I can't make any promises."she said as I felt a bit of hope.

"Thank you,but why."I asked with curiously and when she didn't answer so I spoke.

"Has she been asking about me."I smile small.

"Let just say she been wondering."she said as my heart warms.

"Does she know who her mother is."I asked wondering myself.

"She a smart girl."she said with a wink. I chuckle softly.

"I know our friendship haven't been the same over the years but I hope we can move past this. I miss you and I know we can't have what we once had but I hope we can start off with a fresh start."I smile softly.

"I miss you too. But our friendship won't be the same but I hope someday we can move pass this all of us."she said with a smile.

"Well that's all I hope for and want."I said as she walked up to me and hugged me. I sighed softly as I hugged her back.

"So how did it go."Karen asked as I got into the car.

"It went as expected."I said as I closed the car door.

"That's all."she said as she starting the car and drove off into the on coming traffic.

"Yeah."I said as I thought to myself I didn't want to tell her that I might have a chance to make things right again.

After a long ride home I walked into the house and took off my boots and laid down my pruse.

"Stevie love."he smiles as he gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Mick."I weakly smile.

"Were where you."he asked as he takes my hand and leads me to the sofa and we both took a set.

"I met with Sharon. I tell you remember."I said as he nods but I could sense he knew where I was and with who but he's good at hiding it. I learned that over the years and that scared me. I made sure to never let him know.

"How was your day with Jess."I asked with a smile but before he could answer we were interrupt.

"Hi mommy."he grins as he runs up to me.

"Hey baby."I smile warmly as I kissed both of his cheeks. He giggles.

Next chapter we're back to Lindsey POV.. I hope this chapter was okay 👍... Thanks for reading and voting ♥️😊

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