chapter 21

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A few days later...

"Stay here for a minute while I go in to talk with her."I said as I opened the car door to step out but stopped.

"Okay."she nervously said as she fidget with her phone.

"Don't worry Annabelle,everything will be okay."I smile softly as she sighed.

"I hope so."she weakly smile.

"It will be. She will be happy that you want to talk to her."I said as I cupped the back of her head and kissed her forehead.

"Don't be to long Dad."she smile softly as I nodded and got out of the car and closed the door. Inhale sharply as I made my way to the front door and saw it cracked open a bit. I pushed it open and peeked my in head and looked around.

"Hello Stevie."I said as I glances around to see boxes packed up in a corner. I walked farther in and heard some noise coming from upstairs so I climbed the stairs and saw a light on in her bedroom.

"Stevie."I said as I find my way to her bedroom and glance around again to see more boxes and clothes everywhere.

"Oh my gosh,you sacred me Linds."she gasped as she turned around to see me. I chuckled at her jumping a bit with her hand on her heart. She glare.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I saw the front door open a bit and called out but nothing so I heard noise upstairs and came up here. What's going on Stevie."I asked as I pointed to all the boxes. She sighed heavily.

"What's it look like Linds I am picking."she harshly with an eye roll as I frown and her face soften.

"Sorry Linds."she calmly said with a small smile. I wave it off.

"It's okay."I smile.

"What are you doing here and how did you know I was here."she asked as she folds up some clothes and placed them in a box.

"I asked you first Steph."I said as walked more into the room.

"You really want to know."she weakly asked as I nod yes.

"Oh okay,here it is. I gave the house to Mick along with everything else."she said.

"You what."I blurt out a bit harshly.

"You heard me,I signed everything over to Mick."She admitted as I was stunned over what she said.

"Why."I asked as she take a deep breath before she spoke.

"Because Linds,I am tried of fighting and the go around between Mick and me. He was making it impossible for me. It got to the point where I realized for the first time that my son was more important to me than anything. Something I should have done for my daughter but I was to naive and stupid but now I am more aware of things now to realize what is more important to me. So I throw away everything for my kids. I let Mick have the money and earning from my music."she said it so calmly as she reached for another box after finishing another packed box.

"You what."I said again in shock of what she was telling me.

"I reached a point in the last past month with fighting with Mick and his lawyer which by the way is more of heartless prick than Mick is but anyway I realized what I wanted and cared the most about in my life was Annabelle and Jess. And you too by the way."she softly said as she put more clothes into the box and fold it and placed it with the others boxes. 

"So what you're just going to stop singing and performing."I snapped as she frowned sadly.

"Lindsey please."She warned in tone of sorrow in her voice. I felt like hitting that bastard.

"Steph, you can't just up gave up your career and everything to that prick."I hissed as she closed eyes tightly and let out a breath.

"Linds,what choice did I have. I couldn't just let him take my son away from me and risk not seeing Jess anymore. He was going to keep him from me if I didn't do it and plus he wasn't going to gave me the divorce. And couldn't live one more moment with that monster. So I am sorry but I had to do what's best for Jess and me."She snapped as I frown deeply she was right.

"No don't be sorry. I am one who to should be sorry for being an asshole right now."I calmly said as I stepped closer to her.

"It's fine, I get it believe me it's not something wanted to do but I tried. He was going to tell the whole world what a terrible mother I am and about my drug use along with everything else. I just couldn't let him do that."She honestly said.

"Your not a terrible mother and I understand."I sincerely said.

"You know what."She said as we took a seat on the bed and she reached over and took my hand in hers. I stare at ours hands together as it felt familiar and warmth.

"Um no what."I asked.

"For the first time in a long time I feel free. Free of him. Like I can breath again and I have control over my own life. And I am happy for once in my life."She smile warmly as I rub my thumb over her hand.

"I am truly happy for you Steph."I smile softly as she grins.

"So what are you doing here anyway."she asked as she stood up and grabbed another box and started wrapping up some breakable and gently placing them in the box.

"Your mother."I said as I stood and started to help her as she nods.

"I tried calling you but never got answer so I called your mother and she said you where here but nothing more then that."I said.

"Sorry about that I wanted to pick up but I felt like I cause a enough trouble for you and Annabelle."She weakly said as I stopped what I was doing and took a hold of her hands in mine and she looked confused.

"I came here to..."I started to say as we both turned our heads.

"Because I wanted to see you."Annabelle nervously said as she walked farther in with a little blonde boy beside her holding her hand with a sly smile on his face.

I hope this chapter was okay... Sorry for any mistake. Thanks again for reading and voting❤

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