chapter 28

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We made love all through the night. It felt so good to be in his arms again and to feel him. I kept thinking I was dreaming but then I felt his lips on me and I know it wasn't a dream. I melted into him. I couldn't stop staring into his blue ocean eyes. I always get lost in them. I learn up a bit and start placing kisses along his jawline and down to his neck until I got to his tone chest. I kissed his chest softly as he started to stirring. I grin as continued to kiss down his stomach and I felt him shivering under my lips. I giggled as he flipped me on to my back and got on top me.

"Morning bady."He husky said as he moved my hair out of face and kissed me.

"Mmmmm."I said against his lips as he grinned.

"So shall we have some breakfast. Then call the kids to come over."He asked as he kissed me again.

"Do you think they be happy about us."I asked a bit nervous.

"Annabelle will be very excited and as for Jess I am sure he will be asking some questions but I do think he will happy."He smiles softly as my heart warms with joy.

I made breakfast for us as Linds called the kids. I heard giggles and smiles over at Linds as he grins.

"Christine's going to drop them off in an two hours."He said after he haug up the phone. I placed a plate in front him along with a cup of coffee.

"How were they."I asked as I set down with my own plate and cup of tea.

"They were good. Christine said they had fun last night."He said as he ate his breakfast. I nod with a grin.


"Don't be nervous sweetheart. Everything will fine."He said as we both made our way back downstairs after we got showered and dressed.

"Mommy mommy."I grin as he runs through the door.

"Hi sweetie,did you have fun with your sister and aunt Christine."I smiles softly as I picked gim up and cheeked his kissed.

"Yessss, aunt Christine let me stay up and eat candy."He cheeky grin as I looked over at Christine groan.

"She did."I fake glare with a shake to the head.

"Hey,it was supposed to be our secret."She huffy said.

"Me sorry aunt Christine."He slyly said as he bruised his face in my neck as we all laughed.

"Oh honey it's okay your not in trouble."I chuckled softly as I kissed the top of his head.

"So how did things go on our date."Annabelle smirked as Lindsey wrapped his arm around me.

"Well sweetheart it want great. And we wanted to talk to you guys about it."He smile softly.

"Oh."both Annabelle and Christine grinned at each other. I blushes deeply.

"Let's go into the living area."Ge said as we all walked into the room and took a set. I set by Lindsey with Jess on my lap while Annabelle and Christine set crossed from us.

"Stevie and me had a very long talk about everything. I told her how I felt and she did the same. So we realize that we still love each other and want to try to make it work this."he said.

"Your getting back together."she asked.

"Yes."I smiles softly as he grin.

"Yay."She said happily as she got up and hugged us.

"So your good with me and your mom getting back together."he asked.

"Are you crazy yes. This is was what I was hoping for."She smiles softly as my heart melts.

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