chapter 7

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set along the beach with the waves of the water hitting my feet. I am left with sorrow and so much regret and shame. I am emotionally drain wasn't ready to go home. I didn't realize just how much I broke the man I loved that I still love with all my heart that I can't even forgive myself. I sighed heavily as I pull my knee up to my chest as I whipped my arms around my legs I bruised my face into knees that I didn't notice someone standing in front of me.

"So your my mother the famous Stevie Nicks."She said with an edge in her voice.

"Bella."I weakly smile as she glare at me.

"It's Annabelle to you. I only let people who are close to me call me that Stevie."she calmly said as I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"Sorry Annabelle I um..."I said with frown as I stood up and dusted off the sand.

"So explain to me how a mother abandon her child because her stupid career is more important then her own daughter."She said with hurt and anger her in voice. I felt an ache in my heart as it's hits me hard on how much damage and hurt I caused.

"I am not going to lie to you. I wasn't ready to be a mother at the time. I let my emotions,the lifestyle of being a rockstar take over me. I also get so lost in myself and was so heavy into the cocaine and partying that I couldn't focus on what was so important to me at the time that I thought my career was more important than you and your father. So I let it all slip away from me. I am so so very sorry for everything that I've done. If I could turn it all around I would in a heartbeat for you and your father but I can't."I emotionally said.

"Don't you think it was just as hard for him to raise a baby on his own. The only difference is he didn't throw his child away like you did he stayed. Now you think I should forgive and forget."she taunt as I felt like a slap in the face.

"Do you know I asked my dad where my mommy was because I saw all of my friends with their mommy and daddy together and you know what he told me."she sneered as she looked me straight in the eyes. I flinched back a bit.

"No."I frown deeply as she recall the memory.


"Daddy."she softly said.

"Yeah little angel."I smile as put my guitar down.

"Where's my mommy."she asked as my eyes widen.

"What."I said as I mentioned for her to come over to me.

"Do I have a mommy."she said with sad eyes as I pick her up and placed her on my lap.

"Yes sweetheart."I as I tried to stay calm.

"Do you think mommy thinks about me and loves me."she sadly asked as she her bottom lip was trembling as she shifted on my lap. My heart was in knots as I exhale sharply trying to think of what to say.

"Yes I do, just because she not here didn't mean she doesn't think or stopped loving you. She is always right here in your heart."I smile softly as I placed my hand over her heart.

"I love you daddy and mommy too even if she not here."she smile sweetie as she placed her hand over mine. My heart melted but ache for her and Stevie.

My heart broke as she told me.

"Did you even want me in the first place."she said as her voice was so broken and she turned away from me.

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