chapter 5

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"No Christine. I don't want everything to do with her. And why are you on her side now."I said as I felt a bit annoyed.

"I am not taking sides here Lindsey all I am saying is maybe you should hear her out."she said.

"Give me one good reason why."I asked her with curiously.

"Well the first reason is Bella is started to ask questions."She blurted out as my eyes widen.

"What."I said as she nods.

"Like what kind of questions."I asked.

"She asked if I knew who her mother was and if she was still alive,if she has any other family from her mother's side stuff like that."She said.

"I expected this to happen someday. You know I caught her going through my old things and find some old pictures of us and the Buckinghamnicks album. She also happen to found a shawl that Stevie left behind. It's the one she left in Annabelle bed right before she left us. She ask who it brings too and if she could keep it."I said as I sat down and rubbed my face with my hand and sighed deeply.

"I thought I remembered that shawl when I saw her wearing it."she said as I nodded.

"So why did you let her have it and why did you keep it."she asked after a few minutes had past and took a sat next to me.

"I guess I wanted Annabelle to have something of her mother's and plus it stilled smells like her."I ambit as she whipped one of her arm around my shoulder and learned into me and placed her head on my shoulder.

"It's not just about Belle here you know that. It's about you too and I thought just maybe you could get some healing or some closure out of this. I know how hard this is for you seeing her again and I also know that you are still hurting. Plus Bella has mentioned Stevie a few times to me."she honestly said as my eyes widen.

"You don't think she knows do you."I said wondering as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I really don't know if Bella knows that Stevie is her mother or not but all I am saying here is maybe you should just hear her out and see what she has to say. It might do you both some good and then maybe you can start moving on."she sincerity said as I realized she might be right. Then I can really move past this for real instead of pretending that I've moved on when truly I haven't and most importantly I need to do this for Annabelle because I can't keep her away from her own mother any longer. I exhale sharply as I spoke.

"Your right,I need to get closure not just for myself but for Annabelle as well she needs to know why her mother left her and I can't keep her away from her mother anymore. She needs a chance to get to know Stevie if she chooses too and I can't stand in her away if she wants to see her Stevie. And maybe your right it will help me to finally move past Stevie and get the healing I need. Who knows I could met someone and finally be happy with someone."I smile softly as she smiles back.

"Yeah I agree. And after seeing her today I um well kinda miss her."she ambit out loud. I chuckle softly.

"I know you miss her. I should probably talk with Annabelle first and tell her about Stevie and go from there."I softly said.

"Sounds like a good idea."she smiles warmly.

Few days later...

"Annabelle angel, can you come down here please. I need to talk with you."I shouted upstairs.

"Yeah, dad what's up."she smile as she comes down the stairs.

"Um will I don't know how to start this so I am just going to say it."I nervously said as I clear my throat and we both took a sat.

"Okay dad."she said.

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