chapter 3

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"Lindsey."I yelled through the phone as I heard him hanging up on me.

"Aßshole."I mumble with a few cruse words.

"Let me guess he didn't answer again."she smirks as I glare over at her.

"No,he answered but he hang up on me."I said with frustrating.

"I don't know why you keep trying. You knew he would be still angry at you."She said as I frown.

"Because of my daughter."I snapped at her as she flinched back some.

"Sorry."she said softly as I wave her off.

"I got what you asked me to get."she said as I nod.

After she left I walked over the music player and popped in the music. I poured myself a glass of wine and I took a drink as I sit myself down on the sofa as the song started to fill the room. One would say it was my voice that will haunt him but it's his voice that will forever haunt me. As I listen to his least song "Goodbye Angel" I know right way it's about me. I felt the tears in the back of my throat started to run down my cheeks as I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I gulp down the whole glass of wine as I recall a memory.

"Do you really think we can do this and still be able to have our careers."I asked as he rubbed my swelling belly. I was 7 months along and I felt like a whale.

"Yes,I know it's going to be hard at first but I think over time things will get easier along way. We just have to make some changes here and there but I know we can do this if we work together."He saids as he placed soft kiss along my belly as the baby kicks against his lips. I giggle as I ran my fingers through his curly hair.

"It's not going to be easy raising a baby on the road you know."I softly said.

"True,but I think we can do it. We just have to take time off when the baby is born. But I promise you everything will be fine as long as we do this together and be there for one another."He said as he smooth my belly and calm the baby. My heart warmth with love for this man.

"How do you make it sound so easy when I am so terrify. What if we miss this up or what if we can't do this and something happens. Lindsey I am scared."I blurt out with worry as my fear is at it's highest.

"Oh Steph,I know your scared I am scared too but I know we can do this. All we got to do is try and I promise you I will be here every step of the way for you and our baby. Our love we get us through this."he smiles warmly as he cupped my face and placed a gentle but sweet kiss on my lips telling me everything is going be okay.

"I love you so much Lindsey."I weakly said as I swallow down the lump rising in my throat.

"I love you too and I love our little angel."he said as he kissed my belly. I sighed deeply.

Baby Annabelle was born two months later and Lindsey was on top of the world. I'll never seen him cry as he did when he got to hold her in his arms for the first time. I just knew he was going to be an amazing father to her. He has it all together. I on the hand was feeling overwhelmed. I never thought having a baby was going to be this hard but it is.

"Stevie,calm down."he said as he take a crying Annabelle from my arms along with the baby's bottle.

"She won't stop crying and I can't get her to take my breast milk."I frustrated said as I ran my fingers through my mess hair. He frown as he set in the rocking chair smooth and calming her down.

"Sssshh,my little angel."he softly started to humming a lullaby to her.

Midnight moonlight shining through the curtain lace
Paints a perfect picture on your perfect face
One sweet angel sleeping in my arms
You are the promise I knew God would keep
You are the gift that makes my world complete

I watched on as he whispered sweet angel lullaby as he stares down at her and she has her little finger whipped around his large finger as she coos and smile sweetly at her daddy. I felt a bit of jealously as she takes to him so calmly and naturel as he feeds her.

And you'll never know how much I love you
But I'll keep on telling you my whole life through
Now I believe in miracles, and you're the reason why
So dream on while I sing you my angel's lullaby

"They you just have to stay calm and don't show fear. Baby's can feel and sense your emotions."he said with a smile as he laid her down. I sighed deeply.

"I see you can handle things here. I gotta go met Lori for lunch."I hashly said as he stood in front of me and cupped my face but I turned away as I felt him frown.

"Stevie,you are a..."he started to say but I walked out before he could fished speaking. I whipped the tears away as I swallow down the lump in my throat.

"I just can't do it anymore Mick."I hiccup as he opened the door.

"Stevie love."he softly said as I walked right into his waiting opening arms.

"What have I a done."I said with a raspy voice as it's hits me hard I've made the biggest mistake of my life letting them both go. Threw the glass against the wall as it breaks into a million pieces.

"Stevie are sure you should be doing this. I mean he is going to flip when you see you there."she said with a worry voice as we pulled up to the driveway. I exhale sharply as I knew she was right but I have no choice.

"I know but what else can I do. He won't see me. I'm at my wits end."I weakly said.

"Yeah but still Stevie shouldn't you have talked with Mic...."she started to say but I just didn't listen to her and got out of the car. I looked back at her and she shakes her head with worry. I know deep down inside I shouldn't be doing this,that I should just forget about it but I just can't. Not until he hears me out.

As I walk up to the door my heart feels like it's going to expose right out of my chest as my naves are getting the best of me and my stomach is all in knots. I feel like I am going to throw up but I take a deep breath and let it out as I make my way up to the front door and ring the doorbell. My breath get caught in the back of my throat as the door opens up and my knees go weak. As I stare hard at the vision standing right in front of me. I am speechless. It's like looking in a mirror image of my younger self. I wasn't expecting this. I had it all planned out in my head but now it's blink.

"Hello."she said with a smile sweetly as I swallow down the lump that was in my throat.

I hope this chapter is okay and sorry for any mistakes... I am still trying to get back into writing... thanks for everyone for reading ❤️

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