chapter 18

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"well I see you have talked with your lawyer."He wickedly chuckled as he rubbed his red cheek.

"You're not going to get away with this Mick."I snapped.

"And what are you going to do about it love."He taunt as he stares me down.

"Mick,you can't be so cruel as to take away my son from me along with everything I have. I won't let you."I hissed through my teeth as my body was feeling emotionally draining.

"Let just put it this way I see as you are unfit to care for my son. With your drug history and always being away from Jess for long periods of times and I am always with him most of the time. "he said with a shurgged.

"You're going to use my past drug use against me. I am clean now Mick. As far as me being away from him you know damn well that not true. I took Jess with me on tour every chance I got and you where there as well so how can you say that."I angrily said.

"Maybe so but I will say I was just there keeping an eye on you most of the time along with Karen help, making sure Jess was safe and well taking care of.  Being the support father and husband I am."He smile smugly as I gag.

"Karen I knew she was helping you. And what about you're drug use Mick. I wasn't the only using and living it up at the time you were there right along with me. As for being the support husband ha that's a laugh."I mocked as I felt the rage building up inside of me.

"Go ahead use that and see we're that gets you. But just remember I was the one who got help first and I got clean and sober right before Jess was boring."He wink with a smirk as my stomach sink. He was right he was always one step ahead me and now I know why.

"You lying bastard, you never got sober before me. But to be clear I was long sober before you and I am only one that has ever been there for our son. You are always to busy for him and I pickle had to bag you to spend time with him because you were to busy with your business deals and spending my money to have time for him."I sneer as he rolled his eyes acting unfazed by my words.

"Maybe so but Jess has mentioned million of time not just to me but my mom as well how he miss you and how sad he gets when you leave him. And let's not forget how you overdose and almost lost my son because you were high enough and almost miscarriage my son."he scored. He had to be lying.

"Seriously Mick, you can't stop lying your asß off. I was always there for Jess as far as him saying that I don't believe you. The miscarriage, I didn't even know I was pregnant if I had known I would've stopped from the start but when I did found out I stop useing and you know damn well I got help."I raspy said as my voice was beginning to break.

"Lying love please, Look I am only trying to protect and look at for my son all because his mother cared more about getting high then him at the time."He wickedly said as I raised my hand to slap him once again but he grabs my hand before it hits his ugly smug face.

"Now now Stevie,I let you and that so called mate hit me twice already but no more. And just so we're clear on things you were the one that wanted the divorce so I will make sure you lose poor little Jess and everything you have and I will make damn sure of it."He coldly warned as I pulled my hand free of his grip.

"You are nothing but a lying asßhole,I will fright you. You won't get my son I promise you that."I grimace as I slammed the door behind as I walked out. Exhale sharply as I tried to keep my emotions in check.


"I don't believe it. Why would Stevie marry and to have a kid with that prick. And to hide it."she said in disbelief as I am still whipping my head around it.

"Yeah I know Christine,but Mick had a good hold over her. Now he going to use her son against her and whatever else he can to get what he wants out of her."I weakly said.

"I know Mick was always after her money but to be so cruel to use his own son. What kind of people does that."She sadly said as I nod in agreement with her.

"One that doesn't care about everything but himself. Mick has always been money hungry and saw his money ticket in Stevie."I hissed.

"And the kid."she asked.

"Icing on the cake."I said as she frown.

"Have you heard from her yet."she asked.

"No."I said.

"Well if you do what are you going do."she asked with curiously.

"I don't know."I sighed deeply as she gave a weak smile with a nod and left.

"Hold on I am coming."I said loudly as I placed my gutiler down.

"Stevie."I said as I opened the front door.

"Oh Lindsey....."She sobbed as she ran into my chest.

"Steph,what's wrong."I asked as I whapped my arms around her and gently smoothe her.

"H......he wants my son."She raspy sobbed.

"What."I said as I pulled apart but kept her at arms length.

"Mick,he going to tried to take Jess from me."She cried raspy with tears felling down her face.

"He can't do that."I said as I lead her into the living room and gave her a glass of water and she took a few sip with a heavily sighe.

"He going to use my past drug use and Karen has been helping him. She ratted me out about getting in touch with you and everything. He had her keep tabs on me along with me and Jess. sighed. Don't know what to do. I can't lose him Lindsey I can't...."She raspy cries as I pull her close to me and hold her.

"Everything going to be alright."I calmly said as I kissed the top of her head.

"You don't know that. Mick will use whatever he can to take what he wants."She whispered raspy.

"I know but I promise you I won't let him take Jess from you."I weakly said as she glances up at me with sadness. I cupped her face as we stare deeply into each other's eyes and I learned in and lips brushed against each other's. I felt a spark being a lit between us.

"Who's Jess."We both are broken from our trance.

Annabelle find out about Jess in next chapter 😬 sorry for any mistakes, thanks for reading❤

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