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Transmigrating Into The Male Lead’s Villainess Older Sister
Chapter 49:

Duan Rulan is soaked, her makeup on the face is lumpy, especially the eye makeup is blooming, and it sticks to the eyelids so that she can't open her eyes. The beautiful skirt dripped with water dripping wet, and the skirt edge was covered with dirt, and because of the rain, the mud in the yard became very soft, and her high heels fell into the mud as soon as she stepped on it, She screamed, trying hard to pull her legs out, but almost didn't plant a big heel.

The rain was getting heavier, and there was no obstruction in the yard. The Ji Wenhan and his wife were dripping into soup chickens soon, while the black bodyguard standing next to him supervised seemed to have rained, and opened the umbrella in time. Nothing was splashed at all.

Duan Rulan has never been so embarrassed in her life. She is too tired, but dare not stop. After all, she has just set a precedent. Once she tries to let go, the black-faced gods behind will use indifference. His voice told how much Ji's market value had evaporated.

Duan Rulan didn't understand these things, but she glanced at her husband and found that Ji Wenhan's face was as pale as paper, and Ji Wenhan's mobile phone was long taken away by those bodyguards, and there were constant calls. The bodyguards seemed to intentionally They opened the loudspeaker in front of them, so Ji Wenhan heard that his assistant was reporting that their business had been attacked, the stock price was plummeting, and the board of directors was about to riot. Ji Wenhan hurried to the company to stabilize the army. Ji Wenhan The heart was bleeding, but there were black hole muzzles around him. He couldn't walk, he couldn't bear to say a word. He could only listen to the assistant yelling anxiously, and finally the bodyguard landed on the ground. Hang up and say coldly to him:

"Ji Ji, instead of worrying about this, you have to speed up and finish the work quickly, otherwise the longer the time, the more your loss will be more than that."

Ji Wenhan only felt dark before him, and a desperate despair enveloped him immediately.

This, this is all his hard work! Ji Wenhan suddenly stared fiercely at Duan Rulan, his eyes were dark, and he did not dare to contend with the Lu family, so he put all the responsibilities on his wife, blaming this woman for failing to do little things, or letting her spend a lot of time What, Jing will be bitter there, waste!

Duan Rulan was also uncomfortable. In her opinion, she was blamed for her husband's incompetence. She thought how good it would be to marry into Ji's family. Ji Wenhan was just an egg in front of Lu's family, not even a fart. Dare to let it go, so that he was involved, and accompanied him to do such rough work, wasted!

At this moment, the Ji's and their minds reached a strange agreement.

The two of them worked hard for a long time, from morning to night. The rain never stopped. Duan Rulan showed off before. The poor gardener planted the yard full of flowers. Now it looks like he went back and slaps himself. She didn't care how precious these flowers were, she just pulled them up and tossed them aside, when the two of them finally cleaned up the whole yard, their backs fell on the ground with pain and pain, and they would n’t expect those black clothes. The bodyguard came over with a bag of seeds and said blankly, "Two people, the five masters commanded that after you turn the ground, continue to plant these seeds."

!! !!

Duan Rulan almost did not faint. Her hand was difficult to lift at all. I don't know whether it was tears or rain on her face. She said weakly, "Can you let us rest for a while, I can't do it ..."

As soon as the voice fell, the black-faced **** moved the gun up very fast, and accurately shot the bullet into the ground an inch away from Duan Rulan's feet. Duan Rulan paused for a few seconds, opened his mouth, and even forgot to make a sound. .

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