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Transmigrating Into
The Male Lead’s
Villainess Older Sister
Chapter 81:

During this period, Duan Rulan's life has been difficult.

The first is her husband. Ji Wenhan has become more and more indifferent to her recently. Although everyone used to play with each other, the relationship was not very close, but anyway, they can maintain respect as guests. Now, Ji Wenhan directly puts her disgust on her. On the bright side. Two people live under the same roof, but if you look up and you do n’t see your head down, Ji Wenhan can even say nothing to her for more than ten days!

Duan Rulan has been living a life of pride and respect since she got married. Where has she been treated this way, holding her breath in her heart, but dare not spit at her husband? After all, she is shrewd. Now Ji Wenhan obviously has an opinion on her. One or two people quarreled, and Ji Wenhan found a reason to ask for a divorce? She's not enough to be her wife!

Followed by her own son Ji Lin, speaking of this son, Duan Rulan had a headache. When she gave birth to this son, it happened that she had just married into the Ji family. It was the first time that she became a wealthy wife, and Duan Rulan was happy and crazy. Her favorite thing to do every day was to show her outside. He threw Ji Lin to the babysitter to take care of him, so that when Ji Lin grew up, he could not get close to her at all.

Don't get close if you don't get close, anyway, Ji Lin is her biological flesh and blood, can you still not honor her? Duan Rulan comforted herself, and left Yu Jilin to toss outside, but who would have expected that the son turned his elbow outward at the end, preferring to stand behind Zhou Siyu's dead girl to support her, rather than help her This mother-in-law said something!

Duan Rulan really doesn't understand why.

But she knew that because of Zhou Siyu, she had fallen into the blood mold. The Ji family has offended Lu Wuye today, and his life is getting worse. In the past, those noble husbands who had been intimate with her had made excuses to alienate one or two. Ji Wenhan's business ran into obstacles everywhere, adding a lot of resistance for nothing. The Ji family was originally in the middle of the sky, but now it has visible signs of decline with the naked eye.

Duan Rulan thought about it for a long time, only after hearing about the special relationship between Lu Wuye and Si Yu, did he understand that the source of everything lies in the daughter she abandoned.

But it's too late to react now. She used to be rude to Si Yu. How can she easily find success now?

Sure enough, after testing Chu Shuangyan but being rejected flatly, Duan Rulan came back home with a black face and saw her husband come down the stairs. Ji Wenhan glanced at her, and when she saw that she didn't look good, she knew that she had failed again, and she was irritable.

Duan Rulan doesn't care about the company, but Ji Wenhan is very clear. If he stays so stale, his company will sooner or later be killed by the Lu family and those opponents who often watch Lu family's eyes and act!

Blame Duan Rulan for this woman, which has caused him such a scourge ... Ji Wenhan looked down at his wife, his voice cold: "Aren't you the mother of Zhou Siyu, why not even your daughter listen to you?" It's not because you haven't had a good relationship with her before, waste! "

Ji Wenhan became more and more annoyed: "Do you know what she is now! It is Mrs. Lu's prospective wife! If she falls under the name of our Ji family ... waste! What else would you do besides playing mahjong? Small things can't be done, I was so blind before I married you! "

These words also aroused the anger of Duan Rulan. Nowadays, unlike the past, she was blindfolded everywhere, and she was already embarrassed. Now she sees her husband put the responsibility on himself and immediately puts the bag on the sofa. When he fell, he screamed, "What do you mean, Ji Wenhan, I said that I would teach the dead girl a lesson. Did you persuade me? You agreed clearly! Now you blame me instead. Do n’t you have any responsibility? "

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