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Before we jump in I am going to give a little background to me and the story. First I am very new writer I just started writing stories a few months ago so I am not the best at writing so if you see errors along the way please tell me I truly enjoy getting comments that say this should be this or that because it makes me a better writer and I see where I mess up at and can fix it and help me in the future. Second I have another story I am also writing on here so this one isn't going to be updated as much as that one I will probably update this story maybe 2-3 times a week, I am a full time student and I work so I am very sorry in advance for slow updates. Third I do not know how to write a story with the person as they, them, theirs and I am a straight female and I don't know anything on same-sex/gender sex so I didn't want to write a story where I couldn't be accurate in, so because of that Y/N will be a female character. Fourth this will be starting about 6-7 months before the snap, Civil War kind of happened, Steve and Tony didn't fight in Siberia instead Steve came back with Bucky and got him to join the Avengers and everyone accepts Bucky no one hates them except for some civilians who still see him as The Winter Soldier. Words still work on Bucky but I doubt I will write about it again not sure I have a few ideas for this story already.

ALSO thank you to Bckyloki on Tik Tok for letting me take their video and make it into this story!

My first Chapter to this will most likely be late next week or early the following week. (November 4-8 2021). Here are some triggers I will be updating as I go since I am not fully sure where this story will go, I will say trigger at the top of some chapters but I will not be saying of what since I feel like it gives to much to what is going to happen. So if you see a trigger you would like to not read send me a message and I will let you know what chapter they are in and give you a summary of what happened without diving into the trigger.



Choking and Choking Kink

Knife play kink


Rape (removed 1/12/22)

None consensual touching


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