Chapter 14: Who Else?

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Your mom and you were up till 4 am watching the news trying to piece everything together waiting for the news that they figured out what happened and that everyone would be coming back, but it never happened. The phone lines were busy all night, you couldn't even call 9-1-1 to get help if you needed it. The news instructed that no one go to the hospitals unless there is a real emergency not that someone is missing.

Waking up at 11 am rolling over on the couch seeing her mom passed out on the other couch. Reaching for your phone seeing over 40 missed phone calls, opening it up seeing it was from Steve, the times were all sporadic all of them only lasting a 2 seconds since the lines were busy.

Calling Steve back hoping the call would go through, hearing the the phone ring standing up moving to the other room to not wake your mom. "Y/N?" his voice in a panic as she answers, "Yes, its me do you know what the hell happened?" biting your nails pacing back and forth in the kitchen, "So there was-is this guy, his name is Thanos. He had a plan to collect all the infinity stones, with all the stones he could make half of the universe disappear. We tried to fight him off and keep him away from the stones but he was just to strong and we didn't win."

Stopping your pacing trying to take in some weird guy just decided to wipe out half the universe, "We tried, we really did. We all fought are hardest to stop him, we even destroyed the mind stone on Vision but he just used the time stone to reverse time and he took it and that was the end of it"

"Wait, so Vision is dead?"


"Who else?"

"Stark, Sam, Wanda, T'Challa, Natasha, Peter and probably many more but we can't reach them, same as you I thought you were also gone but you called...just waiting for everyone else."

"So its just you, Bucky, Thor, Rhodes, and Bruce?"

"Ya, pretty much" rubbing your hand all over your face not knowing whether to cry or scream or just be blank. "My god" slamming your back to the fridge sliding down to the ground, "Did you loose anyone?" he asks hearing the sacredness in his voice shakes through the phone. "My brother, dad, uncle, my two cousins. That's all I know I haven't been able to reach any of them last night and i just woke up"

"God I'm sorry Y/N I really wish we would've won."

"Don't blame did everything you could do and that's all that matters"

"I know I just wish I could've done more to stop it"

"You all tried, if it wasn't for you fighting he would've done it a lot sooner, and we wouldn't have gotten as much time together."

"Ya..." he breaths out still feeling like it's all his fault. "Well I am going to try calling some other family members since the lines aren't so busy right now"

"Okay, bye, sorry again"

"Don't be sorry, bye" hanging up the phone going through her contact list calling everyone writing down who is answering and who isn't. Your mom finally waking up at 1 am making her way to the kitchen looking for coffee. "Mom...I need to tell you something" making her a cup of coffee sitting her down telling her everything that you know. "Are they ever coming back?" she asks as tears fall down her face into her coffee. "I don't think so" your voice cracking thinking about all the people you didn't get to say goodbye and to just finding out 3/4 of your family is gone just like that, a literally snap of the finger.

As much as you didn't want to leave your mom you had to you needed to go back to New York and see if you were needed. Your flight was cancelled the day after everyone snapped away, buying a new ticket immediately when you found a new flight to New York. Rolling your luggage behind you looking up at the board looking for your flight number to see its status. Noticing all of the flights were cancelled including yours. Running to the gate it was suppose to be at asking the workers why it was cancelled.

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