Chapter 17: How it Started

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7 and a half months ago

"Robo boy and princess you two have a undercover mission, that you need to leave for in 45 minutes, you will be taking the quinjet to the Europe. Here is your file to look through for the mission, don't kill each other" walking out of the living room holding Morgan in his arms. "Great" throwing your head back groaning, "I'm not happy either about being stuck on a mission with you again" pushing himself off of the couch getting up slapping the file on your head as he walks out. "Dick" you whisper under your breath opening up the file quickly skimming the paperwork looking for key words.

"Ah don't stop I'm close" throwing your head back as Bucky holds your waist bouncing you on his large cock, leaning forward sucking on your neck sending bliss throughout your body. "Cum on my cock doll, make a mess on me" nodding your head the best you could feeling you getting closer to milking his cock.

Pushing himself out of his seat standing up getting a momentum to slam into you "Fuck" you let out in a shaky moan reaching forward grabbing his jacket to hold on for support. Squeezing your legs together as you cum all over him her the squelch coming from your core. "Good girl" pulling you towards him devouring your lips.

Walking over to one of the tables on the quinjet setting your ass down on the cool top as he continues his rough thrusts in you. Leaning back on your hands looking down at where you two we connected. Taking one of your hands off the table letting Bucky guide your fingers to your swollen clit, "Play with yourself" he demands looking up at you reading your face watching your eyebrows curl up as you moan louder now with the add sensation. Smiling at you taking his hand off of your hand trailing up your body putting his hand around your throat giving it a delicious squeeze.

Squeezing your legs and face feeling your orgasm about to tip over, "Keep going doll you are doing so good. " Pulling you closer to him watching you close your eyes as your jaw slacks milking is cock, thrusting into you faster no longer being able to hold himself back shooting inside of you tensing his abs coming to a still in you.

Releasing you neck as you lay back on the cold table. Leaning over you kissing your cheek then lips, "Good girl" he whispers over your lips sealing it with another kiss. "Good job robo boy" smiling on the kiss "I knew I should've edged you" pushing himself off of you and carefully pulling out looking around for a towel or anything to clean up.

"Were going to be landing soon" putting his belt back on, "Do I have enough time to take a nap?" pulling your shirt down back to its correct spot. "Only for a 20 minute nap" pushing his hair back "Perfect" grabbing your boots carrying them with you to the other side of the quinjet slipping into one of the bunk beds.

Slipping into some basic clothes clicking on Bucky fake arm to disguise the metal arm. Reaching his hand out taking your hand as they walk hand in hand to the restaurant. Getting a table in the middle of the restaurant giving you quick access to the front and back door. "I'm not seeing the girl anywhere" you say looking around Bucky large body "Well the place has only been open for 30 minutes and Tony said they haven't seen them on the camera around the building so they have to come eventually" he says looking up from his menu peaking around behind you looking for the girl as well.

The mission involved the abduction of a 15 year old girl, it is believed she is going to be sex trafficked to the biggest gang in Europe. And the notorious area for it, this very restaurant. "How's your mom doing?" Bucky asks trying to seem casual, "She is doing good...her and Marcus just got back from Mexico last week"

"Any special reason to it" placing his menu down to give you his full attention, "Some anniversary, they have one for everything, first kiss, first time they did it, yearly anniversary. For all I know its for the first time they showered together its like they are in high school" placing the menu down looking up to see Bucky already staring at you. "What?" you asked looking down at what you were wearing. "You look very beautiful today" smiling at you, taken back by his comment feeling the warmth traveling to your face "T-thanks" you reply trying to hide your smile.

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