Chapter 9: The Week

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"One time thing?"

"One time things" he replies looking up at you. Giving your ass a smack as you start to lift off of removing him from you, feeling empty as you move to sit on the other lounge chair. Looking over as he gets up and walks to grab his trunks while grabbing your swimsuit as well, "Thanks" taking it from him as you slip on the bottoms first then the top. 

Both of you sat in awkward silence listening to the sound of the wind blowing through the palm trees and the sound of the ocean waves hitting the rocks below. Getting your land legs back you grab your items you discarded and went to your room, "Why the fuck would you do that" you smack yourself in the head looking in the mirror at the small hickey forming right above your collarbone. 

Throwing your clothes into the corner as your strip down to take a shower, as you walk by the giant sliding glass door you see Bucky walking over turning off the hot tub, watching as he made his way into the house turning off the patio lights. 

Double checking that your door is locked you jumped into the shower putting it at the hottest temperature you could handle, staring off into the granite that lined the room reminiscing over what had just happened. The way his large hands held you and formed to your body like puzzle piece, they way your lips knew exactly what to do and his skilled tongue tasting every bit of you. 

Your finger grazing through his damp hair as your pushed for a deeper kiss, his blissed out eyes looking to yours as you rode him as the water splashed out of the hot tub soaking the concrete. When he picked you up like it was nothing and carried you over to the chairs. Shaking your head trying to get the thoughts to leave feeling your heartbeat between your legs. 

Finishing up your shower, you threw on some sweatpants and thin hoodie. Enough to hide everything but also keep you cool. Brushing your hair out of knots when the sound of your door being knocked caught your attention "Ya?" you asks as you come out of the bathroom staring at the locked door seeing his shadow from underneath "I'm ordering Chinese do you want anything?" 

"Uh sure, can you get me (your order)" still standing looking at the door watching his shadow move from side to side as he swayed "Food will be here in 30" watching as his shadow leaves hearing his footsteps descend down the hall to his room. 

"How does he seem so chill about what just happened...should I have not left and stayed and talked? But we don't talk to each other, we have nothing to talk about, well except for this now. No it was good to leave we would have had an argument" you say to yourself pacing around the room checking your phone wait for it to be time for dinner. 

Placing your ear on the door listening for him to see if he was upstairs or down stairs, hearing nothing you make your way out tip toeing down the stairs till you reach the kitchen looking around for anything to drink. Only finding deflated water bottles and a room full of wine, grabbing a deflated water. Walking into the kitchen to see him standing there with his hair damp from the shower, he was wearing grey sweats and a black shirt that hugged his muscles. 

Cracking open your water bottle, taking a big sip before spitting it out in the sink "What the hell is wrong with the water" spitting into the sink trying to get it all out of your mouth "I did the same thing, its like 7 years old and it old plastic in it giving it that dirty taste" turning to face him "So you knew and didn't tell?" you say with an attitude "You live you learn" with a close lip smiles at you. 

"So instead of just telling me you-" your voice raising until the sound of the doorbell stops you. Slamming the bottle down walking to the front door grabbing your wallet out of your purse, opening the door to a young man who wasn't much taller than you, he had light brown hair and brown eyes, his hair looked pretty long from underneath the red hat that matched with his shirt "Your total is 43.79" he says holding the food, "Here is a 50 and a 5 keep it all" grabbing the food from him as he gives a kind smile and walks way.

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