Chapter 21: "It's okay..."

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The sun shining through the window in between the curtains landing directly on your eyes. Turning to face the other way coming face to face with Bucky back. Grazing your hand up his arm to his shoulders then to his messy bed head.

Hearing your phone vibrate seeing your mom texts coming through

"Morning sweetheart, just wanted to tell you morning and to have a good day. How did Bucky like the magnets? Did they stick?"

Chuckling typing back to her "Yes he liked them a lot, he really like the taco one"

"Oh that's great! I'll see if I can find more, have a good day, love you!"

"Love you to mom <3"

Not wanting to get out of bed but finally pushing yourself to the bathroom,"My dad might come dad might come back"whispering to yourself in the mirror " possibly the day...." trying to get the nerves out of your system.

Hearing a few taps on the front door walking to see Tony standing there was a box "Here are your guys uniform for today to help with the time traveling get suited and booted we are planning on leaving in an hour" handing the box over to you giving a quick smile then moving to the next room.

Walking back in the room seeing Bucky sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes "Who was at the door?" looking at you walking in with the box, "Tony, he dropped off the uniform for all of us to wear as we go through the time machine that isn't a time know" dropping the box at the end of the bed moving back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

The suit hugging your body as you turn on the mirror looking at every detail and the small port for the Pym particles on your arm. Bucky walking into bathroom standing behind you, bringing your eyes up to his "You look like tampon"

"Ya I'm the super and your the regular absorbent one" kissing your head. "I'm surprise you even knew that" turning around to face him "Well you have a box here and back at your moms place so" nodding your head "Well I guess it's time" letting out a shaky breath.

Stopping you from walking out cupping your face in his hands "Everything is going to work out in the end"

"I hope so" looking at his blue eyes, pulling your face to his kissing you gently "You ready to bring everyone back?"

"Ya..I am" smiling at him sliding your hands up his arms to his wrist then hands intertwining your fingers with his looking at each other than out the door hand in hand.

"Hit those keys jolly green!" Tony shouts to Bruce as he types on his machine then joining them all on the platform "See you in minute" you smile to everyone seeing them all smile back. The machine turning on hearing the mechanics hum as the glass hanging above them move and form a circle as everyone shoots down to micro size flying through the atoms.

Landing on Vormir looking up the giant mountain, "We couldn't have parked closer" you announce as you step out of the jet. "I went off of the largest plot of land I didn't see anything closer" following you out "I hope you are ready to carry me and run me down the mountain and all the way back if their are some goblins ready to attack us"

"I will throw you at the goblins doll, every man for themselves" shoving him "You would let the goblins eat me?"

"They would enjoy your tits as much as I enjoy them" smacking him "You got more meat on you they would prefer you over me any day"

"Nah your ass makes us for my meat" smacking your ass "Not even you dick has more meat than my ass will ever"

"I don't want some goblins eating my dick" covering himself "But they can eat my tits and ass how is that fair?"

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