Chapter 24: Awake

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"Okay Y/N we are going to put you back to sleep, we are going to do a few things and then try this again" blinking twice at them knowing its okay. Bruce walking around doing what he did before making her fall back asleep. "Okay so what do we do?" Tony walking around looking at the back of your head.

"So kind of gross but when I pull on this maggot that is dead on this part of her brain she wakes up. So I'm thinking we can put some sort of implant to hold it where I had it"

"But...she's missing part of her brain, what that's going to do?" seeing a small portion missing "We won't know until she is fully alert, what part is actually damaged. The brain is a very tricky organ and we don't know much on what each part does so we just have to wait" exhaling rubbing his face "So we don't know if she can walk or talk or smell"

"Correct, I know she isn't paralyzed, her spine is completely in tack" pulling up her x-rays "How is her spine in tack she fell like 500 stories"

"No clue...luck I guess" moving you to lay on your back and sitting you up. "Okay time to get to work" Tony clasping his hands as they move around the lab piecing things together to try and make an implant.

"So when are we doing the stupid stones?" Bucky walking into the kitchen where everyone but Bruce and Tony. The group looking between themselves not knowing if it is rhetorical question or not. "Don't know Bucky, waiting for Tony to say something"

"He needs to get off his entitled ass and get this shit moving" slamming down in his spot with his plate of food. "Maybe he'll say something today then its been two days" Rhodes whispering. Slamming his hands down on the table shaking the entire table "Fuck this I'm not waiting any longer for this stupid mission to finish" his chair falling backwards leaving his plate as he walks out of the room. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. wheres Tony" walking to the elevator "Mr. Stark is in his lab with Bruce"

Pressing the floor of the lab listening to the small ding of each floor. Arriving on the floor walking towards the lab seeing the window was covered. Rolling his eyes as he walks hearing shouting "Its too fucking big Bruce I said it 15 fucking times!"

"It needs to be snug or it can fall out an then were back to her being a vegetable!" following the shouts around the lab till seeing your body in the bed sitting up and Tony and Bruce arguing behind you. "Fine whatever!" Tony giving up as she walks around to the front of you as Bruce puts the piece in "It's going to work Tony"

"You better hope so Banner or I'm going to throw you off that cliff" shaking his head as he puts his glasses on as he brings the light back to the back of your head as he works inside your head. Staying behind the corner as he watches them work on your head. Confused on what they are doing "Okay lets see if this works. 3...2...and....1" Tony completely blocking his view of you.

"It worked" Tony looking up to Bruce as he comes around to your face "Good to we just have to wait and see if she improves from last time" carefully stepping forward as his view starts to see your face seeing your eyes flicking to open.

Dumbfounded from a distance before your eyes fully opened looking at Tony and Bruce "Hey Y/N" Bruce speaking calmly as your vision becomes more clear "Can you hear me?" blinking twice to let him know you can hear him "Good, we are going to set up a feeding tube for you and see how far we can get you back to normal" your eyes scanning the room before stopping at Bucky.

Bucky freezing, no longer breathing as your eyes lock. Tony and Bruce turning to look in your direction, both of jumping out of their skin looking at Bucky. "Barnes" Tony putting his hand out not sure what he is going to do as she begins to walk to you stopping next to Tony and Bruce "Wha-how-whe-I" rubbing his hands over his face trying to form a sentence.

"We found out that if there was pressure put on the one portion of her brain she is awake, she can hear us but we don't know what else she can do, that is the waiting game now to see if this is as far as she can go"

"I-is-is she paralyzed?" still looking at you as your eyes move around him "We don't believe so, but we don't know if she can walk or not, we don't know whats been damaged." walking to stand beside you as your eyes follow unable to move your head. His hand coming to rest on cheek and jaw "Hey"whispering trying to smile but to caught up on what is happening.

Your eyes moving over his face taking in the beard and dark bags under his eyes and his hair all over the place like he just woke up. One small tear falling from your eye "Its okay doll, you're going to be okay" his voice so quiet to you.

"You can stay with her Barnes but I'm going to put a feeding tube in her, she needs to start getting food in her" nodding his head not even wanting to look away from her. Bruce walking away as Tony still stands at the foot of the bed. Seeing your eyes on Bucky as he pinches your foot. Your eyes darting to Tony "Did you feel that?" blinking twice at him "Okay you got feeling in your foot that's good. Do you want to try and wiggle your toes?" closing your eyes trying to move your toes without looking.

Tony and Bucky watching as your toes never move "Okay try your hands" Tony speaking as he watches nothing move in your arms and legs. Opening your eyes looking between them "No movement kid but you just woke up we'll check again in a little bit" your eyes looking at your feet as you try to move them again "Don't push yourself it took you awhile to even blink give your body some time to regain feeling and movements" Tony covering your feet up to stop you from continuing to try.

"This is going to be uncomfortable Y/N but its going to be okay" Bruce walking to you with a small tube. Taking your chin turning your head to the side and back as he slowly pushes the tube through your nose. Dry heaving as its goes down your throat before it got far enough down "Well you're gag reflex works" Tony noting as Bucky sends daggers to him.

"Well from here on out we are just going to keep an eye on you and see how you improve" Bruce pulling a chair up for the three of them as they all sit and watch for any changes.


Hey look at me posting on Wednesday, sorry for the shorter chapters I don't want to put too much info into each chapter.


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