Chapter 22: "Where's Y/N"

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Upadated 7/30/2022


The time machine bringing them back to the present. Everyone cheering know they all were successful in getting a stone. All of them walking away when Steve noticied but not moving. His face frozen in pain and sadness "Where's Y/N?" looking around not seeing you anywhere.

Bucky digging in his pocket tossing the stone at Steve for him to catch "Soul for a soul" his voice so low only being able to be hear due to the open room letting his voice travel and echo. "What do you mean soul for soul?" Clint questions as he looks at Bucky. "Its what it sounds like. He is holding the soul stone because she gave up her soul or the stupid stone and now she is GONE!"

Everyone connecting the dots that she sacrificed herself for the stone. "I tried and stop her, I was going to jump. I was going to be the one with my brains knocked out of my head at the bottom of the cliff but she jumped....She jumped I caught her but she grabbed her knife and cut the wire and she fell... all the way down; there was nothing I could've done." walking past them down the steps.


"Leave me be Steve" walking out of the room. Everyone standing around looking at one another "I got to call her mom..." Tony staring at the ground "Fuck no one was suppose to die" putting his hands on his hips. No one knowing what to do from there just continuing flicking their eyes back and forth between everyone.

"What do we do now?" Bruce now speaking "She would've wanted us to get everyone back, she always spoke about wanting her dad back, that is something we could do. He won't have her but her mom will have him, right?" the sorrow filling the room as everyone slowly shifts of out of the room.

Laying down in his bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about the pain across your face as you stared up at him trying your best to not cry but failing miserably. "I love you" repeating in his head, the way it rolled off your tongue like you've spoken it a hundred times before.

Rolling over seeing the bag of magnets your mom got for him. Shooting out of bed looking at the bag "Her mom" speaking in a whisper knowing he has to make the dreadful call or the dreadful flight to tell her. Not knowing if he can face your mother crying over your death as he tries to stay strong.

Opening his nightstand drawer grabbing his phone out to call your mom. Listening to the line ring and ring the pain sharpening inside of him not wanting to say the words. "She's dead!" your mom screams out over the phone into Bucky ear "Tony called she's gone-she fucking gone!" her voice full of pain and sadness. "I'm sorry I tried I did"

"What did I do wrong! I thought everything was good!" taking a deep breath before speaking "You did nothing wrong, I-I tried but it didn't work I should've done it quicker but I didn't I did try and stop I put a rock on her legs to hold her in place but she got out of it before I could do what needed to be done" her sniffling being the only thing on the other end of the phone.

"I have her James, I'm sorry for your lose" Marcus hanging up the phone leaving Bucky to his thoughts.

"We can't just leave her body there to decay!" Scott slamming his hand on the desk "We don't have any particles to use!" Clint yelling back.

"Hey idiots" Tony walking into the room with Steve behind him "We have more particles we can go back and get her her body the question is do we get her before or after one of does the snap?" The room filled with silence as they look at the bottles of particles in Tony's hand.

"How did you?" Clint walking to him "long story short we fucked up in New York and me and Cap here went back in time even further and was able to get the stone and some more particles."

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