Chapter 10: Back Home

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Nothing exciting happened at the party, no HYDRA agents showed up, no submarines popping out of the water. Just a normal beach party with people skinny dipping playing beer pong and get plastered passing out in the house and on the towels. Both of you staying sober through the entire just to stay alert and not get pulled away from the mission.

Heading back to the house filling out paperwork about the mission and uploading photos that you took throughout the night. Both of you finishing up the paperwork calling it a night at 4am, making your way into your own rooms.

Not being able to sleep, tossing and turning watching the clock get closer and closer to sunrise. Pulling the covers off of you, walking out of your room down to the kitchen looking for something to snack on seeing nothing since you guys ate all the food not wanting to waste or bring it with you back to New York. Pulling your phone out looking up the closest place open, finding a McDonald's a little over a mile away. Walking back upstairs grabbing your shoes walking back out walking into the garage finding a beach bike with a basket on the front.

Grabbing the extra garage door clicker hooking it on your shirt pushing off heading to the McDonald's. Taking the bike through the drive thru waiting your turn seeing that there was a Bugatti ordering.

"Welcome to McDonald's what can I get started for you?" a worker voice speaking through the box, "Hi, can I get a number 2 and a number 3 and 4 hash browns and three water bottles"

"Total is 15.62 at the window" biking up to the window clicking your card up on your watch buying the food. Moving to the next window placing everything in the basket "You know we have a bike rack out front?" the young worker leaning out the window to you "Ya I know, but I don't have a lock for the bike" nodding his head wishing you well as you peddled off back to the house watching, seeing the shadow of the bike and you starting to make an appearance as the sun rose behind you.

Parking the bike in the garage, opening the door walking straight into the kitchen seeing Bucky standing looking in the fridge with just his boxers on shaping his large thick highs and cock, even soft that shit was massive. Turning his head to see you standing there trying to hold everything, jogging over grabbing the bag and a water bottle to help, "You went and got McDonald's?" setting it down on the island by the bar stools "Ya, I was hungry and couldn't sleep, why are you up"

"Same as you" opening your bag up pulling out a breakfast sandwich for him along with two hash browns "You got me food?" slowly taking it from your hand "I thought I was really hungry but by the time I got the food I realized I wasn't so its more like extra" shrugging your shoulders hopping to sit on the bar stool pulling out your sandwich and hash brown cracking open your water bottle chugging half of it.

Finishing eating around the same time now both stuffed and finally ready for bed as the sun shined through the distorted windows on the front of the house. The golden rays shinning on the rock style tile and stairs. Following you up the stairs the bottom of your ass peaked out from the bottom of your shorts. Slowing his steps to get a better view. Reaching the top of the stairs, you go right as he stares for a moment before stalking towards you.

Turning around to close the door seeing him standing there "Yes?" raising on eyebrow looking up at him "We are leaving here at 8" nodding your head "Ya, I know. I am going to pack everything but my bathroom bag and then sleep for an hour or so and then sleep on the flight"

"You got 10 minutes to spare?"

"I mean I'm not going anywhere so I guess" feeling weird about his question. Stepping forward picking you up moving you to the bed, tossing you down crawling on top of you. His hands cupping your highs bring your hips up to meet his. Grounding his hips down his cock pressing on your shorts barely covering your cunt.

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