1: A New Start

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7 Months Before The Snap

The plane touched down at John F. Kennedy International Airport, it was a sunny afternoon in New York City there were a few clouds in the sky with small flocks of birds flying around the airport. Standing up, grabbing your carry- on and your overhead luggage and walking off of the plane within minutes of landing; internally thanking Tony Stark for getting you a first class ticket from Arizona to New York.

Slipping through the crowds of people walking to baggage claim to grab your two suitcases. Trying to squeeze your entire home into a few suitcases not wanting to wait 1-2 weeks for the other items to be delivered in the mail. Coming out unsuccessful, having to ship the rest of your items that you couldn't bring. Slipping your carry-on onto one rolling bag and the overhead bag onto the other rolling bag making your way to the pick-up area.

Looking down at your phone seeing a text message from Tony Stark

"Good Afternoon I have my chauffeur Happy Hogan                                                                                           picking you up, I have attached a photo of him below                                                                                       so you know who to look for, he will be holding a sign                                                                                    with your name on it as well"

                                                                                                         "Thank you Mr. Stark, just got my luggage will be at the tower hopefully within the hour"

"Great we will be waiting, Happy will be taking your                                                                                      luggage once you get here to your room and                                                                                                someone from the team will bring you up to the team                                                                                    floor for introducing"

"Got it"

Looking up scanning the room for the man matching the photo, turning your body to the left seeing a tall man with curly hair and short goatee scanning the room as well holding a sign "Y/F/N Y/L/N'' making your way to him, "You must be Happy" looking up to him seeing that he wasn't very tall compared to you "And you must be Y/N'' nodding your head "Great, the team is excited to meet you. Let me take your bags for you and you can follow me to the car" handing him one of your rolling bags while you handle the other one.

Making small talk in the car and getting to know each other "Tony has told you what your job is right?" questioning in case of saying something you doesn't know. "Yep, I am an undercover agent" nodding his head glad that you know "So you understand you might have a gun put to your head at some point right?" readjusting in your seat to sit up seeming more confident "Ya, I mean I did kind of the same thing in Arizona just not as big, just working with cops to track down child predators and sex traffickers."

"As long as you know what you are getting into since this can get pretty intense"

"I wouldn't have applied if I didn't think I couldn't handle it" nodding his head leaning forward to look out the window "And here is Stark Tower" leaning forward yourself looking at the large tower in front of you soon coming to your right, pulling into the parking garage. Parking the car you both stepped out happily grabbing all of your bags "I am going to take your stuff to your room, it will be floor 25" rolling your bags behind him walking into the side entrance to the lobby.

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