Chapter 3: Cigar

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Slipping on a red dress falling to your mid thigh, slipping on a matching pair of heels. Walking down to Tony lab getting her earpiece walking out to the car taking them to the Cigar bar. "Alright princess Elena the men arrived thirty minutes ago so you're up, Clint will be walking in 20 minutes later as a guard for you" giving Tony and the team a thumbs up walking into the cigar bar.

Walking in to the bar ordering a scotch, taking your scotch walking to the cigar bar looking at the assortment of cigars to purchases, "What are in the market for miss" a kind older gentleman leaning on the bar looking at you, "I am looking for some cigars for my dad and uncle they are big cigar fanatics'' opening the case pulling out an assortment of cigars going over each one "Let me try a Corona'' the man looking at you surprised "I smoke every once and awhile and I know their taste pretty well" the man handing you a corona and a lighter taking your debit card, sucking in for 4 counts, pushing out "This is definitely more my style than my dad and uncle do you have any Fuente Don Arturo Anniverxario? I know they have been looking at them but never finding them" The man giving a kind smile walked to the back.

Two men taking a seat next to you looking over seeing they fit the picture, keeping attention on the cigar taking a few more puffs, "Anything you recommend" one of the men speaking to you, "I got the Corona which is definitely more my style" handing the cigar to the men to try. Taking it from you both of them take in a six count handing it back to you. "Smooth" the other man farthest form you speaking.

"I'm not a big smoker so I don't venture too far out worried I'll pay a ridiculous amount for a cigar I don't like" leaning on the bar pushing your chest out taking another puff followed by a sip of scotch, "We have six leftover, would you like to purchase the last six?" the older gentleman returning "Yes I will take all six" handing her card back to him " Fuente Don Arturo AnniverxarioFUENTE, good taste" the gentleman closer to you speaking "Its for my dad and uncle they can't find it where they live so I'm going to ship it to them." grabbing the small bag from the gentleman along with her card "Well I better get going" sitting up drinking the last of the scotch taking the cigar "You got time to spare?" one of the men speaking not knowing who since your back is turned, turning back around to face the men looking down at your watch "I got like 40 minutes till I need to get back to work" the men smiling "Come sit with us" guiding you to the a small sitting area. Ordering a round of scotch for them relighting your cigar seeing it dying out.

"So what's your name?" the one man asked, "Elena, and you two?" looking between the men "Im Aaron and this is Felix'' pointing to the man next to him. "Nice to meet you two are you guys siblings or?" the men laughing "No, we are just coworkers'' Felix answering "Where do you guys work?" sipping on the scotch keeping small slips "We work for a weapon manufacturer"

"Which one?"

"You probably never heard of it"

"Oh High Drul?" the men flicking their heads up to each other than to you "Uh, ya. How do you know about High Drul?"

"My ex used to work for "High Drul" and that was the code word for it" leaning in whisper HYDRA, the men looking around the room seeing no one looking at them, taking the opportunity sitting in between the men knowing they were going to start whispering. "Who's your ex?" Aaron asks "Brock, Brock Rumalow" you answer "I know he is dead we broke up a few months before his death." The men looked between each other "So you know of HYDRA and what they do?"

"Of course, Brock was going to get my job with you guys since the pay at my job sucks but I caught him in bed with my sister and that went out of the window." slumping in the couch "So how's it going I know you guys went back underground for awhile, so I figure you have a new plan"

"Ya, we got a much larger army but sadly many of them were arrested some mole was working with us and let the Avengers know, next thing we know we are back to square one"

"What's square one?"

"Rebuilding and training"

"Well I mean if you or a higher up can promise a paycheck I'll join you, Brock taught me lots of moves and he taught me how to shoot a gun and throw knives around" Aaron reaching in his back pocket pulling out a business card with the name Thomas Hansen in gold with a phone number below his name "Where is he located?" flipping the card around not finding an address "He is in Brooklyn close to Gravesend Bay"

"So he is deep in Brooklyn"

"Ya, call that number and say Jefferson sent you"

"Is that one of your last names?"

"No he is the man who usually hands out cards we don't have access too but you know hard times"

"Okay, I'm going to give him a call excuse me fellas" standing up pushing your ass out walking out of the room calling the number, Clint walking to you listening into the phone call "Hello?" a man voice on the other side answering "Hello my name is Anna and I was sent by Jefferson" speaking calmly into the phone "Good to know Jefferson is actually doing his job, how can I help you?"

"I heard you are in need of some workers, I will gladly join if there is a promise of a paycheck"

"We can do that"

"Great, are you free?"

"Yes, I am"

"Great where are you located and we can start working"

"I'll text you my address. Is this number alright?"

"No let me give you a different one I have a burner phone"

"Perfect, I am ready for it whenever you are" , giving him Tony's number "Did you get it?" Looking at the test coming in on Clint's phone from Tony with a thumbs up, "Yep got it, I will be there in 25 minutes. I will be the girl in a black pant suit and heels" hanging up the phone "I will get the men out just block the door so they can't run back in'' speaking to Clint turning walking back to his spot before you walk back in to the men 

"I got an meeting time for tonight after work, so I need to get going. Walk me out?" grabbing her purse and her cigars the men following her out "Well thank you for the card and getting me a new job" hugging Felix then Aaron taking her ring pushing it into his neck tasing him he falling to the ground "Oh my god are you okay" starting CPR on him, the door flying opening Clint knocking Arron to the ground spinning him around pinning him. The team pulled up cuffing the men, tossing them in the back of the van. Clint gets into a separate van while you take your own car to the address.

Stopping at a store down the street from the address purchasing a black pants suit, hopping into the van changing before hopping out taking Nat shoes. Pulling up the address of the man walking out meeting you "Hello Anna, nice to meet you" shaking your hand "Pleasure, now let's go speak in private" giving him a quick up and down stopping to look at his crotch. Seeing your eyes moving his hand goes to your lower back guiding you, pulling your arm to his shoulder seeing that you two were similar in height. Tapping your ring on his neck tasing him, the team running in from the side taking the man while everyone else stormed the building brining out 6 other men. 


No posting next week just a reminder 


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