Chapter 15: Chemistry Mission

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Its been two years of flying back and forth from your home to New York helping out the team with small things since it is a lot easier for the team to search for people with half of the people gone. Your mom is actually dating again, she jumped into dating about 6 months ago when she ran into Marcus at the grocery store when she couldn't reach the last box of granola that was just too far back for her to reach.

Ever since then they have been inseparable, acting like high school lovers going out on dates every weekend sleeping over at each other house. Marcus was a single dad, he had a son a year older than you, and you two do not get a long.

He thinks he is a king and needs to be served when he wants to be served which is every 10 minutes, at first you did things for him so your mom and Marcus wouldn't worry but that quickly flew out the window when he told you to bring him home dinner after you just worked a 14 hour shift, and you told him 'no' so he proceeded to lock you out of the house.

You two act more like siblings then just weird friends because their parents are dating, constant bickering and throwing food at each, racing to the use the shower since he spends more time at your house with your mom so he doesn't have such a long commute for school.

You fought your mom on it, not wanting him living under the same roof as you but she moved him into the small back house that was never in use so at least you never see him unless he comes to the front for food, water, to talk, shower, oh wait that's all the time!

Tony had called you last night to ask if you could come and help them with a small stakeout mission, gladly agreeing letting your work know and packed all your bags for the 6 am flight. Hugging your mom goodbye flipping off what's his face as he flips you off as well.

Throwing your bags in your old room finding the team in the conference "Hey hey the princess has arrived" Tony says with a cheery tone pulling the chair next to him out for you, gladly taking the seat opening your notebook listening as Bruce talks trying to catch up to speed since you were 10 minutes late to the meeting.

"Okay so just to be clear." raising your pen up to stop Bruce, "The stakeout is at New York University at the chemistry lab, looking to see if they are making any of the serum again and I need to pretend to be a student?"

"Exactly I will give you an earpiece so I can hear everything and answer questions for you so you don't look out of place" Bruce answers back, "Okay, well I only brought sexy shit so I guess I got to go shopping." writing it down in your notes. "Well that concludes the meeting the stakeout will be tomorrow and you will go in the next day"

"Sounds good" everyone grabbing their supplies leaving the conference room. Walking back into your room seeing everything was just the same as it was three months ago when you came for an overnight mission. Only getting half way to your bedroom before the sound of the knock and the door opening, "Can we do this after I shower and nap"

"I can fuck you in the shower and then you can nap" Bucky large voice filling your ears. "Fine" walking backwards pulling your shirt over your head throwing it to the floor as he follows you stripping down as you make it into the bathroom. Turning on the hot water slipping the remainder of your clothes off. Both of your hopping in the shower lathering one another up before starting.

Lifting you up pinning you to the stone wall as he pushes into you moaning as his large cock gets deeper and deeper in you. "How was your flight" thrusting into you "It was good the flight attendant spilled water all over me when we hit turbulence other than that it was good-ah" digging your nails into his back trying to hold yourself up.

"Hows your new family doing?" teasing you knowing you hate the new addition, "Same old, same old, and idiot guy who thinks he is all high and mighty"

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