Chapter 25: Baby Steps

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48 Hours Later

"You ready to try and walk?" Bucky holding his hands out to you as your mom stands behind you as you sit on the bed "Ya" letting out a big exhale as push off the bed standing upright giving Bucky one of your hands. Your mom running around to your side to take your other hand.

"Whenever your ready" she states as she sees the the look in your eyes as you look down at your feet "I know" stuttering before speaking "Just nervous...I know I can move my toes but what if I can't walk?" looking to your mom "That's what we are going to find out"

"And if you can't Tony is ready to make you some legs like Rhodes to help you" looking to Bucky you brows etched with worry "I want to be able to walk on my own with no help" your voice still scratchy from only getting back 12 hours ago "I know but we are going to try and see if you can walk and then we will go from there" nodding your head looking down at your feet once more.

Carefully lifting one foot up, squeezing your mom and Bucky hand as you put it down a few inches in front of your other foot. Bringing your other foot up doing the same. "Good job sweetheart" your mom cheering you on as you continue to take small steps.

Your hold on both of them loosening feel better and stronger on each step. "You want to let go doll?" nodding your head as they both open their hands letting you decide when to let go. Your hands brushing over theirs as they stay in their spot watching you take one, two, thre- and then fall to your knees. Bucky lifting you up quickly "I'm okay" cringing a little as you find it hard to find your footing. "I want to sit back down" looking over to your bed seeing you only got about 3 feet (1 meter) away from the bed.

Bucky and your mom helping you sit back down "That was bad I barely got anywhere" pointing where you just walked "Sweetheart you've been in a coma like state for days you aren't going to be able to just get up and go back to normal life, its going to take sometime"

"I don't want to inconvenience you guys" your mom frowning as she pushes your hair back "You are not an inconvenience for us, we are here to help you."

"What about Marcus and your job?" trying to show how you are being an inconvenience to your mom "Marcus is at home keeping the house occupied and my job understands and I have the next month off so I am going to be here for it all or until you get back to normal" turning to look at Bucky "You've never been an inconvenience for me so don't even try"

"Sorry" Bruce knocking on the door as he enters the room, all of them turning to look at him "I was just bringing by some stuff for you to do to test certain parts of the brain and your fine motor skills" all three of them nodding their heads. Your mom and Bucky taking a seat beside you as Bruce walks over going over the multiple tests and tools to test you.

"Looks like you are pretty much back to your normal self, you are a little behind in your mathematics and your hand writing is shaky but that is normal for those who come out of coma, you will be behind in something while your brain tries to fire off in a timely matter. But you must remember that you are missing 10% of your brain which is also going to cause a delay but we will see how you progress next week"

"Do you suspect she will get everything back?" your mom immediately asking "That I can't say, the brain is very tricky so again we will see how she progresses next week" moving the tests away and onto another counter "Until then continue doing what you are doing and work on your walking and speaking. You still stutter a bit but that will go away I can almost guarantee."

"Is it normal to be really tired?" asking feeling yourself about to fall asleep "Yes, even though you were in a coma that doesn't mean you were asleep for all of it, your body was fighting the entire time so your body is going to be very tired for many days sometimes weeks each person is different" nodding your head.

"I think that's out cue to leave" Bucky looking to your mom "Ya I think so" standing up from her spot "We'll check on you later" leaning down kissing the top of your head. "Get some rest doll" leaning down to meet your lips "I'll come check on you in a little bit, call if you need anything" smiling to you as the exit the room dimming the lights.

Looking up to the monitor that you're still connected via Bluetooth that tracks your brain waves and heart rate. Watching the spikes on both machines being consistent with each other. Allowing yourself to finally rest knowing you will keep making process.

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