Chapter 4: Canada

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You were assigned to go on a mission with Bucky and Sam in Canada in two days, you were very excited to visit Canada to get some of their famous maple syrup. Sam and you had been training all day to get used to fighting with more layers since it was around 35 to 40F degrees(1.6 to 4.4C). Which made it difficult to kick up to hit the taller people in their jaw with all the thick clothing. Tony and Bruce created a machine to keep the gym from freezing to help the team when these kinds of missions happen.

Finally sweating in all the clothes peeling them off, you and Sam were struggling to breath your lunges tighten taking in all of the freezing air. Moving out of the room feeling your lungs loosening being able to breath again "I don't know how we are going to do this along with the air being thinner" Sam throwing his head back against the wall "I forgot about the thin air"

The sound of the elevator doors opening catches the attention of both of you seeing Bucky walking towards you two, "Hey pal you ready?" Sam standing up "Ya" walking straight into the gym "I know he is half robot so shouldn't his gears freeze up do I need to bring an ice pick?" you question Sam, "I heard that and no, I lived in Siberia and my missions were in the colder environments. Why do you think I have that name" Bucky voice booms for the gym. Walking in to find him lying on the floor soaking in the cold air. "Lucky you we are going to freeze our asses off"

All three of you worked on fighting techniques for another 30 minutes before tapping out "Can't tap out Y/N" Bucky says walking over to you standing above you as you laid on the freezing mat "Why not" trying to catch your breath. Quickly acting he straddles over you raising his fist up bringing it down to hit you in your face, slipping out of the position moving away from hearing his fist vibrate off the mat "Are you fucking insane!" you shout now standing up "No tapping out, the moment you give up is the moment we lose because you can't bare the cold"

"Its 29 degrees in here Bucky, and with your body sweating in here and the sweat turning to ice, I almost got hit with an iceberg"

"That could be your undercover name" Sam joins in "What do you mean?" you ask confused by his comment "Rose, like the titanic that should be your undercover name and Bucky can be Jack" he says with amusement moving over to help Bucky up from the mat "I was going to go with Elsa but I guess that works too, now I am going in the Jacuzzi I am freezing" walking out of the gym leaving the men in there.

The men grabbing their bags walking out together "This isn't going to be a fun mission" Bucky comments walking into the elevator "Why do you say that"

"We got the Disney princess with us"

"What's so bad about Y/N?"

"Were you not just in the same room a minute ago, she gave up mid fight. That's not something you can just do when you tired, you have to keep going"

"Buck we both know it's different when the adrenaline is kicked in and it's for your life, and besides she slipped out before you could hit her with the iceberg that sank the titanic" slapping his arm feeling the arm is still very cold. "Still, it's like we can't even trust her"

"I guess we will see" parting ways going to their rooms.


The plane touches down at the airport the cold air making its way into the plane. Pulling out your jacket out of the carry-on slipping it on looking over at Bucky sweating "I hate you for being also hot" wiping his forehead getting rid of the sweat "I hate you for always being cold"

"That doesn't make any sense"

"Just like you now get up Rose, we got to go" nudging you off your seat falling into the aisle. "Jack stop pushing her around like and be a gentleman and help her up" Sam says from the row behind you. Bucky standing up grabbing your hoodie lifting you up standing you up practically carrying you off the plane "Put me down" you fight back, letting you go falling on your ass from the sudden drop "Asshole" you mumble under your breath.

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