Chapter 2: Distance

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No mission has been set up since the first one, everyone doing research on the 20 men who have no information in the database, Stark has kept the arrest and evidence found completely out of the media keeping the 20 men clueless on what's coming. Bucky has kept his distance from you only giving you small nods throughout the day or strange eye contact. Keeping yourself away not wanting to push him knowing about his past and from what the team has said that it takes time since he feels like he can't trust anyone with the fear of someone being a HYDRA member and brainwashing him, understanding his concerns you kept your distance only speaking to him in meetings.

Waking up the sound of her phone ringing seeing it was Tony "Hey Tony" you grumble not fully awake "Morning sleeping beauty we are having a meeting in 10 minutes" sitting up in bed slipping your slippers on "You got it I'll be there" hanging up the phone putting on your playlist getting ready for the meeting. Slipping on her shoes last, taking the stairs to the meeting.

Walking in, seeing the only spot next to Bucky, taking a seat, everyone saying morning to one another. Tony walked in a few minutes later sipping on his coffee "Team and princess we need to hear everything you got of the men, Peter you're up" plopping down in his chair Peter taking the front presenting his information. Once everyone went around it was now your turn to  present, "So I choose Felix Cohen, and Aaron Mason. On Felix Cohen I found out he resides in Maine and only flies out to New York every 25 weeks, but he drives out every 14-15 weeks to New York. Based on his latest doctor's visit he is 6 foot 1, weighs 201 pounds, is 43 years old, and he has a broken arm, that was 2 weeks ago meaning it should still be broken. Reason for the broken arm is he said and I quote "I was removing Christmas lights from his house and he fell off the ladder." It's June so I doubt that is true, most likely from an interrogation, or a fight with a worker is my guess. He has two kids, one girl and one boy. His wife is a real estate agent making an estimate of 1.2 million a year, his supposed occupation is a moving company ranking in 400,000 each year. This is his address" showing a picture of a house with a address underneath it, "Moving onto Aaron Mason, he is 5 foot 8, weighing 160 pounds, back in December when he last went to the doctors, age 34, no kids, no wife, no girlfriend, hobbies include golfing, hiking, and water polo. He owns lots of apartment complexes in New Jersey. He comes to New York every 3-4 weeks and stays for roughly 2 weeks then goes back to New Jersey, a form of transportation his car has only been on 4 flights in the past 6 months all overseas. Fun fact both of these men will be in town on Sunday based on the credit card bill for a flight to New York and it's almost 4 weeks for Aaron so there is a chance for both of these men to be here. Also all their first purchases when the arrive to New York is at this cigar bar in downtown, they both spend roughly 400 dollars" turning off your presentation, Bucky raising his hand "Yes" you point to him with a pen "What's his address?" he asks looking deep at you "He has 11 different address in his name in New Jersey all of them apartment complexes, so it's hard to pinpoint which one is his, most likely he lives in one of them but I'm not sure" you answer your eyes still locked in on his blue eyes as he rubs his hands together before writing down on his yellow pad.

Tony now taking the front of the room "Okay so looks like we have the most information on 8 of the 20 men, which is fine we have only been doing this a few days, Y/N has the best information considering we can take two men out Sunday, so we will do some investigating into the cigar bar see if they know of HYDRA or are working with them. Y/N do some more research on Aaron try to pinpoint his address more than 11, everyone else excluding the kid since he has a test to study for work on researching the cigar bar" clasping his hand signaling everyone to leave.

Grabbing all of your paperwork and laptop, walking to the study room down the hall, Taking a seat at one of the open tables laying everything out. Walking to go grab some coffee from the team kitchen, reaching for the doorknob opening it to see Bucky standing there about to open with his laptop and yellow pad. "Oh sorry" , holding the door open for him to come in, giving her a pursed lip, smiling nodding his head down, walking into the room, walking into the kitchen making yourself some coffee, adding just the right amount of creamer.

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