Chapter 19: Everyone

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Landing back in New York quickly going to their rooms dropping off the luggage before heading to the conference room to fill out their paperwork. "Why is there always so much more paperwork when we go to a different country?" you question looking at the stack of papers Tony left for you and Bucky. "Space is worse I'll tell you that"

"Ya never let me go to space I already don't like paperwork I don't a galaxy size amount of it." Flopping down in your seat taking the first page off of your stack. Bucky sitting down next to you pulling your seat to him making sure the arm rest touch. "What happened to personal space you always yelled at me for" turning to look at him "Pretended" giving you a nudge with his shoulder.

Half way through the paperwork slamming your head down on the table. "Come on doll just 20 more pages to go" grabbing your head lifting it up grunting as your eyes creak open "Then you do it then you only have 5 more pages just do mine"

"I'm not doing your work your hand writing is a lot different than mine Tony would know immediately that it is not yours."

"Then use your left hand to do it then"

"It would look worse than your hand writing then" teasing you "Asshole" giving a shove as he laughs "I'm kidding just do your work and then you can go nap for the second time today." Leaning over kissing the side of her head. Turning to kiss him on the lips "What is going on in here!" Tony yells entering the room catching you and Bucky kissing. Jumping out of your skin from the sudden intrusion.

The remainder of the team walking in. Throwing your head down on the table with loud bang, "I'm waiting" Tony says standing there with his arms crossed. "What happened what did we miss?" Steve asks "I just caught these two kissing" pointing his finger between you and Bucky.

"I already handled your mom you can take this one" giving you a pat on the back, rolling your eyes as you sit back up looking at Bucky leaning back in his seat. "What do you want to know?" trying to see exactly what he wants.

"Why are you two kissing you hate each other?" still standing there looking at them across from the table "We were acting out a scene" giving a fake toothy smile. "I'm not buying it."

"Fine! We're kind of dating" looking at Tony then to Bucky who has a smallest smirk on his face. "Okay that sounds more made up then you two acting out a scene"

"Believe what you want to believe then, now can you all leave so we can finish out work" looking at Steve and Tony. "Buck are you two actually dating?" Steve now asks looking right at Bucky. "What did she just say" looking at the back of your head as you look at Steve. "Alright, as much as I don't believe them I believe them at the same time"

"We're dating. We have been hooking up since Malibu and we just finally had the talk and now we are dating is that good enough?"

"Very weird, I'm saying it will last 2 months" Tony says pulling out his wallet showing a hundred dollar to Steve. "I say 4 months" also pulling out his wallet flashing Tony 2 fifty dollar bills. "Yes please bet on our breakup" You say looking at them. "Gladly. Come on Cap" walking out as Steve does one more glance at you and Bucky.

"I got to go back home" looking at him as your wash your hair. "No you don't"

"Yes I do I have a job"

"Quit then, they will understand"

"I am not quitting for a relationship, besides there is nothing else here for me to do. I don't like sitting around and not helping. And you guys aren't that busy, but where I am there is a lot of work and they need everyone that can get." leaning back rinsing your hair out. "Your lucky I agree with you or I wouldn't let you go"

"Okay lets not get all protective and being a control freak, I can still kick your ass if I need to" pulling his lips in biting down trying not to laugh "Don't laugh at me, I will kick your ass"

"Alright lets see about that" quickly grabbing your hands from your hair turning you around pushing his leg on the back of your legs pinning you to the shower wall. "Alright kick my ass doll" whispering into your ear.

Trying your best to get out. Bucky free had kneading into your ass smacking it over and over again making you yelp as his spanks get harder. "Giving up yet on trying to kick my ass"

"No" pushing your ass back trying to get some space from the wall. Taking the hand that was spanking you reaching around quickly finding your clit. Stopping your movements fluttering your eyes close as his fingers circles over your clit.

"I would say you are done trying to kick my ass but I'm ready to break your back" in a husky voice pulling your hips back. Using his feet to spread your legs. Dragging his tip over your entrance, pushing in, in one go bottoming out. "Fuck you feel good" Rocking back and forth inside of your feeling your tight walls suck him.

Taking your hands putting them on your head gripping your hair yanking you back to suck on your neck. "Fuck Buck" you moan out feeling the ball inside of you tightening with every thrust.

Making his thrust punctuate listening your moans get louder as he hits your cervix every time. "Take me like a good girl" drilling into watching your jaw drop as you lose yourself milking his cock.

Reaching over opening the shower door, pulling himself out guiding you out by your hair to the bedroom. Bending you over the bed pushing right back in slamming into you with no mercy letting you head and hands go moving his hands to your hips pulling your hips back and forth as he continues his rough thrusts.

Lifting your head up and off the bed looking at the reflection in your vanity mirror seeing his all his muscles engaged as his hair sways with his movements staring down at your ass. Throwing his head back moving his hair out of the way. Looking forward seeing you looking at him in the mirror.

Licking his lips palming your ass with his large hands pushing you deeper into the mattress. Squeezing your eyes shut as the knot inside of your releases. Moaning loudly as he continues to slam into you.

Pulling you off the bed carrying you to the vanity putting your knees on the bench placing you right in front of the mirror. Twirling your hair in his hand pulling it tight keeping your face right in front of the mirror making you watch yourself moan as he pushes back into you.

Leaning back watching your pussy stretch for him as he brutally fucks you giving you immense pleasure as you squeeze his cock. Seeing you about to crash over pulling out watching your face pinch as you were getting close. Fluttering your eyes open looking to him "I want you to watch yourself cum, you close your eyes and I stop" swallowing hard nodding your head.

Pushing back in pulling you hair. Keeping his movements slow making sure you keep your eyes open. Looking at yourself in the mirror looking between your eyes seeing Bucky staring at you. His thrust becoming rough as he picks his speed up, creaking your eyes shut flicking them back open feeling him slow down. "Keep those pretty little eyes open"

"Yes" you moan out looking up to him as he starts pounding into you. Forcing your eyes open feeling the knot get tighter and tighter. "Cum" he demands as you squeeze watching yourself moan in the mirror your breath fogging the mirror.

Feeling his movements become erratic as he paints your walls. Both of you out of breath staring at each other in the mirror, leaning over kissing your shoulder up to your neck giving you a rough kiss to your cheek "Lets get you cleaned up" carrying you back into the bathroom.


Sorry for the shorter chapters I want to have little background on the relationship but also not have it all in one chapter.


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