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6 months later

"Happy Thanksgiving!" holding your famous chocolate pie with Bucky right behind you with the stuffing. Your mom looking up from the stove "Oh you guys made it!" your mom running over wrapping you in a big hug "Hows your hip doing?" looking you up and down "Good, it does tell me when its going to rain though" smiling up to her.

You lost some mobility in your right hip and Bruce thought it would be best to put in a steel ball to help. 3 months later you were back to your old self. Running without any pain, no more sharp pain shooting down your leg after walking too much.

Bucky putting the food down before hugging your mom "Good to see you" smiling watching you make your way to the living room seeing your dad up on his feet shouting at the TV "Go go GO TOUCHDOWN!" jumping up and down with Marcus. "Y/N!" your dad pulling you into his hug with Marcus "Hi dad!" hugging him back taking in any moment you can missing the last 5 years with him. 

"Where's Brittany?" looking around "She just went outside to grab a soda from the cooler" pointing over his shoulder to the sliding glass door. "Good I was wondering if she was going to come, how are mom and her doing?"

"Uh kind of how it was like with me and Marcus, a little awkward but you know life has happened in a way we never expected but things changed" nodding your head completely understanding. "Oh you made it!" Brittany walking in wrapping you in a big hug "I wish we could've hung out more when I was in New York but you know work."

"I totally get it, don't need to lose your job." giving a quick up down on Brittany, she was the same height as you with platinum blonde hair and green eyes and thin lips. Her and your dad ending up falling for each other with both of them coming back from the snap to find their partners with someone else. 

Your dad tried for awhile to win your mom back and Marcus was ready to leave but your mom wasn't allowing your dad to choose her life. After a very stressful 2 months back, your dad meet Brittany at a bar crying over her failed marriage, both of them bonding and from then its been "perfect" from what they say. It was hard at first, but you knew not everything was going to go back to normal. 

"Look at you all cleaned up" pointing to Bucky as he walks into the living room, turning seeing Bucky with his hair pulled back tucked behind his ear, wearing a dark red Henley and straight black jeans "I figured I should look good for the holidays" giving a quick hug to her.

Bucky giving your dad a quick hug and pat then to Marcus. "Wanna join?" Marcus asking Bucky as he looks to you "Go ahead, I'm going to help my mom with setting the food out. Giving him a peck as you go to your mom seeing her putting your chocolate pie out "I was just coming to help"

"Oh I got it honey, we don't have that much food, all I made was the turkey and cranberry sauce everything else, everyone else brought so it worked out great"

"Ya, thank god me and Bucky came then or you would be missing the best thing" smiling at the dinning room all set up "Half-time! Time to eat!" everyone moving into the dinning room taking a plate "Perfect timing" grabbing your mom a plate and then yours.

Sitting around the campfire telling stories and jokes. Curled up on Bucky lap feeling his arms around your waist feeling his body bounce under you every time he laughs. "Okay I got the goodie bags!" Brittany walking over with a huge basket with little cornucopias. 

 Sitting up in Bucky lap waiting for them to come around. "I hope you guys like them I worked all night on them" sitting back down in her spot. "They are so cute!" looking at the little homemade cakepops, candycorn, mini pumpkin candies, and-

Pausing as you move the cakepops out of the way. Feeling Bucky move up as his hand goes inside the cornucopias. Sliding you off of his lap getting himself down on one knee as he holds the silver band ring in his hand. Frozen in your spot seeing him smiling at you "Y/N, we definitely didn't start out being the best of friends, and we sure as hell weren't friends in the slightest. I use to want to turn back time to redo all those months we despised each other, but I'm glad I never did that because I didn't fall for the girl who was a instinct connection and I'm glad that's how we are because we never would've had are small growth from being completely enemies to each other and then to two people who share a last name...if you'll take it. Y/N. Will you marry me?"

Holding back the tears as long as possible but they eventually fell. Taking in a quick breath "Yes" smiling as you two meet together kissing and hugging before hearing all the clapping and whistling. Looking around forgetting everyone was even there "You guys knew?"

"Planned it a month ago, I just had to hope you would feel up to flying." kissing your cheek "I'm glad I was feeling up to flying" kissing him back "Can I put the ring on your finger now?" holding the ring back up "Oh shit ya" sniffling watching him slide the ring on. 

Looking at the ring seeing the strong emerald cut diamond in the middle surrounded by other diamonds "I love it" wiping your tears away "I'm glad you like it doll" smiling at one another "Oh and I was able to get that hotel room by the way" chuckling to your family "Oh good I was worried I would have to go to the neighbors tonight" your mom joking drinking the last of her wine. 

Shaking your head "Can we go now?" whispering to him "Abso-fucking-lutely" laughing sharing one more kiss before quickly saying bye and running through the house and out the front door to the future.

 The End


This is the end I'm sorry this story wasn't an amazing, my heart was in another story I am writing so I again so sorry for not putting my all into this story. I was way over my head taking on two stories at the same time. Thank you to those who have stuck around for this story that was not suppose to take almost a year to write. Love you all!


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