Chapter 23: "BRUCE STOP"

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Watching his fan go round and round as his alarm clock for the morning goes off. Reach over tapping it off not even looking to see what he's doing.

He's been awake all night never once shutting them for a minute. Your mom and Bucky spent two hours by your side before Bruce came in to continue working on you.

Pushing himself out of bed to the bathroom. Standing in front of the sink looking at himself in the mirror. Looking throw the mirror to the shower behind him seeing your shampoo and conditioner and loofah all in a line. Letting his head drop between his shoulders, his eyes landing on your toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush with hair ties wrapped around the handle.

Grabbing the hairbrush spinning as he throws it through the shower glass door shattering it as the brush slams into the bottles denting the wall "FUCK!" screaming out looking at the glass sprinkle down off the sides and onto the floor. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" slamming his fist into the walls and shelves around him destroying the room.

"BUCK!" Steve grabbing his friend as he pulls him out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. "I FUCKING LOST HER!" screaming out as he knocks over his nightstand "I know Buck but you need to calm down"

"I've been calm for the past 24 hours! I lost my fucking girlfriend! The girl I love is gone because I couldn't jump faster. I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could and I fucking caused her death! If I would've ran to the cliff when I had her pinned none of this would be happening!"

"Yes it would Buck it would just be Y/N going through this. She would be the one grieving over you right now not you"

"She had way more to live for then I ever will. She had a family that loved her and wanted the best for her and now they are mourning over her." pointing in the direction of your moms room. "I know Bucky but we would all be mourning for you too, and so would her family."

"It's not the fucking same" storming past him and out of the apartment.

Tony using a wash cloth on your face helping to clean you up for being shipped back to your home state for your funeral. Bruce on the other side still removing the maggots "I think I almost got all of them. A small portion of her brain has been eaten already, but they don't seem to have travel any farther than that." the clink of a maggot being dropped in the metal bowl.

"Luckily her mom or anyone else at the funeral won't be able to tell" dunking the towel in the water lifting your chin up to clean underneath. Bruce giving a small tug on one of them, "This one is not wanting to let go" Tony looking to Bruce then back to your face seeing discoloration of your skin starting to set in.

Watching you with sorrow filling his eyes as the tears try to fight through as he bats them away. Your eyes shooting open staring straight ahead "JESUS FUCK!" flying backwards out of his chair landing on the ground as your eyes close back shut as Bruce jumps back at Tony scream. "What!?" rounding the bed looking at Tony breathing heavily as he looks at your body.

"Her-her her eyes- they opened and then they closed" holding his chest as Bruce helps him up "What are you talking about?" not sure if he is hearing him right "Did you sleep at all last night Tony?"

"She opened her eyes I seen them. It was her Y/E/C (Your eye color) looking straight ahead, she didn't look at me but she opened her eyes"

"Maybe it was just a reflex?" now looking over your face and body hitting pressure points that should cause a reflex "Anything?"

"Nothing" Tony noting as he watches your body for any movement "Okay, well maybe that was her only after life reflex" moving back to his spot behind you to continue removing. Tony standing back by your head watching you face. Bruce reaching back in with the tweezers pulling on the same maggot.

Tony seeing your eyes opening again "BRUCE STOP" putting his hands out as he lets go of the maggot again as your eyes closed. "Do what you just did but DO NOT pull the maggot off! Her eyes opened again" Bruce reaching back in pulling the maggot, Tony watching as your eyes back up "Hold it" squatting down getting eye level with you.

Looking at how large your pupils are taking up a large portion of Y/E/C. Watching as they slowly contract back down to a normal size "Y/N?" looking for any other signs of life watching as you blink "Bruce do whatever you can to have that hold stay as you come around"

Reaching around grabbing a few tools setting everything up before walking around seeing your eyes open and blinking "Holy shit" he whispers out as he removes his glasses. "She's not looking anywhere in particular...just straight ahead."

"It took her awhile to blink lets see if anything else happens" grabbing his chair to sit as Bruce does the same. "This is more than a reflex Tony" grabbing a small notepad from his lab coat pocket writing everything down. Flicking his eyes up as your eyes slowly start moving from him and Tony "Hi Y/N...if you can hear us look to Tony then to me" speaking quietly unsure of how your hearing is.

Your eyes slowly moving to Tony then to Bruce "Blink twice" giving him two blinks back. "What the fuck do we do?" Tony looking to Bruce "I have no idea Tony" looking to you as your eyes look around the room then back to them.


Y/N is awake! Sort of.....We will get more into this in the next chapter, again sorry for the horrible updates.


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