Chapter 18: "Hello Mrs. Y/L/N"

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Touching down at the airport hailing a cab taking it to your house, "Is your mom going to be okay with me coming?" Bucky asks now getting a little worried. "Ya, but she might not like you I have been talking shit about your for almost 5 and half years." shrugging your shoulders as you look out the window then to Bucky, "Great do I need to just stand outside till dinner is over?"

"No, you are coming in and eating" taking his hand into yours "She just might give you a few death glares" smiling to him, "Are we telling her?"

Taking a moment to think about it, tell your mom your dating the person you have despised since meeting him almost 6 years ago or pretend you still hate each other. "How about we just be ourselves and let her figure it out, that way we don't have to go through all the shit, see if she notices."

"Fine by me" smiling at you leaning over kissing the side of your head. The cab pulling up in front of your house. Quickly hopping out grabbing your bags from the trunk handing Bucky his.

Walking in smelling your mom homemade chili and cornbread. Following the scent all the way to the kitchen to see your mom and Marcus cooking together. "Hi mom!" you glee walking to your mom wrapping her in a hug. "Hey sweetie" hugging you back "how was your flight?"

"It was good" pulling away giving a quick nod to Marcus since you feel off hugging him since he isn't your dad, but he understands and never has forced it on you. "Mom, Marcus this is James" gesturing to James who look ridiculous in the small kitchen with his large size. "Hello James" they say almost in unison as they walk over shaking his hand "Hello Mrs. Y/L/N" turning to shake Marcus's. Watching your mom trying to gauge what she is thinking. "Well dinner won't be ready for 30 minutes so if you two want to go shower up you can I stocked the bathroom with towels and soap" Marcus says returning back to cutting up the onions.

"Thanks I'm definitely going to need one" you say turning having Bucky follow you. Walking into your room finding some clean underwear Turning around seeing Bucky looking at your room memorizing everything in it. "I was expecting something a lot different" looking around your room, "What were you expecting?"

"Honestly like a little kids room with toys and dolls all over the place and bright pink walls."

"Buck I'm Y/A (your age) not 5" walking over to him. "Ya I know but like you never really decorated your place at the tower, you kept it very neutral with white furniture and a few nick knacks"

"Well good thing it was a lot easier to move out" looking between each other. "I'm going to jump in the shower and then you can go after, I'll leave some hot water" turning to walk to the bathroom. Grabbing your arm halting your walk, looking to him scrunching your eyebrows "What?"

"Why don't we shower together?" your eyebrows shooting up "I-I my parents" you whisper "Y/N your an adult"

"Okay I know you don't have parents but I do...well at least one of them and she isn't all chill and laid back, she can be kind of what the word....CRAZY!" you whisper shout. "She said we have 30 minutes, but if you keep talking we aren't going to have that 30 minutes and I don't plan on fucking you just showering, it will take 10 minutes now move it" spinning you around squeezing your ass as you walk to the bathroom.

"If I get kicked out I'm breaking up with you" pointing your finger at him "6 hours of dating that's a new record that beats the 2 week relationship back in the 30s" smacking his chest. "Get in the bathroom" spitting through his teeth tired of you pushing back. "Fine no funny business" turning back around slipping into the bathroom.

Quickly showering with Bucky trying to hid his boner the entire time. Only knowing it was there when you felt it poke your ass to see him looking away with his eyes closed trying to get it down.

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