Chapter 12: Disburse

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Sam, Steve, Wanda, and Nat have been all keeping a close eye on you and Bucky trying to see how everything is working out. None of them knowing that you to slept together during the party. The didn't even notice they were missing having to much fun themselves with Sam hooking up with a rando. Steve and Nat getting caught by Wanda making out in the bathroom with Nat's dress bunched at her waist. Wanda on the other hand was scared and drank the night away.

Waking up the next morning not really talking only having small talk to try and not make awkward. Eventually coming up with an excuses and leaving his place sneaky back to your place finding Wanda passed out on your couch. Quickly changing out of the dress putting on some sweats and a tank top.

Seeing that it was only 8 and she reeked of alcohol you let her sleep it off putting a pain killer and glass of water and Gatorade down on the coffee table pulling a blanket from her room draping it over her.

Walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower checking on Wanda seeing her throwing up in the trashcan. Running over pulling her hair back rubbing her back "Let it out, let it out" cooeing to her trying to not be too loud. Grabbing few tissues off the table wiping her mouth off, "Thanks, and sorry" she moans out in pain. "Its okay I have had plenty of nights and days like this"

Walking her back over to the couch sitting her down wrapping the blanket once more around her. "What did you drink because you reek" Wanda chuckling holding the blanket tight on her "Tequila" pulling your face in pain "Ouch, tequila is something I don't drink anymore. I drank it one night and I woke up in Texas, I was in California when I started drinking"

"How did you get to Texas?"

"My friend and I somehow made our way to the airport asked for the next flight out to anywhere and they gave us Texas. I didn't know I was outside of California till I seen a Whataburger, I then asked the nearest person and they said Texas, I freaked out ran back to my friend who was passed out in the hotel, she has no memory and neither do I"

"What was the last thing you remember?"

"I didn't have Uber on my phone so I called a taxi and had them take us to McDonalds and then to the beach, I remember getting the food and then boom blacked out woke up in a Texas hotel." Wanda shaking her head, "Please never let me get that bad...ever"

"Got my word" tucking her hair behind her ear, the sound of the door clicking open, "Hey you left your heels at my place" Bucky walks in with your heels hanging off his finger tips. Stopping in his track seeing Wanda staring at him with her jaw dropped, pushing herself up to stand "You two slept toge-and I'm dizzy" falling back down on the couch.

Bucky throwing the shoes in disappearing with the loud thud of the door closing. "You two slept together! AGAIN!" rubbing your eyes trying to wake up seeing that it wasn't a dream, "Um ya..."

"Thank god his flirting got better" falling back onto the couch letting her body sink in, "What?" furrowing your eyebrows. "Me, Nat, Steve, and Sam were all helping him flirt since he clearly couldn't with him say 'you look better tonight' to you, like who talks like that"

"Bucky! That's who talks like that!" getting defensive not even knowing why "Calm down we were just trying to help him since he was trying to flirt"

"He doesn't know how to flirt don't teach him how to flirt it will keep him away from me!" standing up removing the towel from your head. "Y/N calm down, you don't have to pretend you don't like him"

" I do hate him, he is a fucking mess! He gets all butthurt over the smallest things! We do not do good on missions we were literally fighting on the last mission when I fucked up my ribs. We were fighting at Malibu the entire time. I mean for god sakes we were yelling at each other while we were fucking! Don't teach him how to flirt now get out" pointing at the door, Wanda slowly standing up taking the Gatorade with her closing the door behind her.

"Oh my god" the entire team gasps as Nat walks into team living room with her hair cut above her shoulder and dyed platinum blonde. "You guys like" ringing her fingers through her hair. "Yes!" you and Wanda shout running towards her, "Is this real?"

"Yes of course, I have been wanting to dye my hair for months and I finally did it. But I ran out of dye once I hit my shoulders and the tips were still red so I finished up and I went to the hairdresser afterwards and had her trim it so there was no more red which was apparently higher in the back" laughing at her accident.

"Who cares it looks so good" feeling her healthy ends. "Thanks" the boys not really caring enough like you and Wanda but still gave nice compliment. "Okay are we passed Romanoff new hair we have a small stake out mission in a few hours so go get ready" Tony claps his hand sending everyone off to change.

1 Week Before The Snap

It was the day before your flight and you were packing for two weeks. You were originally going to stay for one week but you haven't seen your family in 7 months so you wanted to be able to spend time with everyone.

Steve, Sam, Nat, and Bucky were getting ready to leave loading up the rest of the quinjet. Helping Nat pack up her clothes, "So you and Barnes" asking with a worry to not hit a nerve, "Not happening, and never will happen"

"You sure...I mean you guys fucked in Malibu and Wanda told me about Bucky walking in with your heels" Huffing folding her last shirt, "It just happened just like in Malibu, it just happened nothing else to it" Nat zipping up her luggage "But Bucky likes you"

"Ya and I liked Ben in the eighth grade and he didn't like me and we didn't date its just happening again"

"Y/N you are an adult"

"I'm not changing my feelings for Bucky just because I am an "adult" now I don't like him and that is final"

"Fine" taking her bags off the bed rolling them behind as you followed her out to the quinjet. Everyone saying their last goodbyes watching the quinjet take off and become smaller and smaller.

Hugging the remaining members of the team; Wanda, Tony, Pepper, Vision, and Peter. "Have a safe flight kiddo" Tony leans down to look at you in the front passenger seat, "Thanks see you in a few weeks" Happy driving off watching the team turn into blurs in the side mirror.

"Here you go Ms. Y/L/N" handing you your two bags "Thanks Happy"

"Send me your flight information for your way back and I will be here" smiling at you, "Thanks" giving him a side hug walking into the airport finding your gate flopping down looking out the large windows at all the planes landing and taking off.

Hearing your phone vibrating in your front pocket of your sweats. Pulling your phone out seeing it was an incoming call face time call from your mom, "Hey momma" smiling at her "Hey sweetie you at the airport yet?"

"Nope I'm in prison right now awaiting my sentencing for killing the hot dog vendor" giving her a cheeky grin. "Ha ha so funny. I just wanted to make sure you were going to be here on time"

"I am currently sitting at my gate watching the doors since it is suppose to open here in the next 30 minutes"

"Sounds good honey, well we will see you in a few hours love you"

"Love you" hanging up the phone looking back out at the blue and red plane taking flight.


Sorry for such a short chapter I am trying to fill in till the snap and I don't want to cram too much into one chapter, the snap is going to be happening either next chapter or the chapter after that.

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